Cancer Cures
2004-07-02 18:36:40 UTC
I'm sorry to tell you folks, but you have been duped by the medical
Both of my grandparents passed away within the last 3 years, both due to
cancer. I began doing research into the actual cancer disease and have
found that cancer is easily preventable and even curable, in most
circumstances if not caught too late, with simple nutrition.
This is something that the AMA and American Cancer Society will not tell
There are more doctors making a living from cancer than there are people
dying from it. If cancer was instantly eliminated, which it most easily
could be, BILLIONS of dollars would be lost in obsolete medical equipment
and treatments.
Ironically, what sped my grandparents towards their deaths was the radiation
and chemotherapy "treatment" that they received. BOTH of these "treatments"
KILL the body, rather than HEAL it! After they underwent these "therapies"
they quickly deteriorated.
I am not trying to take advantage of cancer victims. But, I do have an
audio CD that details the "who, why, and how" of the POLITICAL issues
surrounding cancer that I'd be happy to mail to you.
You can contact me at: "cancercures AT charter DOT net". Obviously, the
"AT" refers to the "@" symbol, and the "DOT" refers to the "." as in a
normal email address.
I know others have probably given you phony-baloney nonsense as a cure, but
this is something that I, as well as my family, have implemented to
safeguard ourselves from this easily prevented disease. This is
scientifically proven and laboratory tested. It is documented.
Unfortunately, the information has been suppressed due to the GREED and
POLITICS of those in power.
The Bible says that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Think about it. How many doctors would be out of work tomorrow if we cured
cancer today?
Some people will listen, and others will not. I guess each person gets to
make their own choosing.
Blessings to you all.
PS. I do know, first hand, the effects of cancer. I have seen it and I do n
ot take it lightly.
Email me if you are interested. If not, then I wish you the best of luck
with the "traditional therapies" that have less than a 15% success rate.
Both of my grandparents passed away within the last 3 years, both due to
cancer. I began doing research into the actual cancer disease and have
found that cancer is easily preventable and even curable, in most
circumstances if not caught too late, with simple nutrition.
This is something that the AMA and American Cancer Society will not tell
There are more doctors making a living from cancer than there are people
dying from it. If cancer was instantly eliminated, which it most easily
could be, BILLIONS of dollars would be lost in obsolete medical equipment
and treatments.
Ironically, what sped my grandparents towards their deaths was the radiation
and chemotherapy "treatment" that they received. BOTH of these "treatments"
KILL the body, rather than HEAL it! After they underwent these "therapies"
they quickly deteriorated.
I am not trying to take advantage of cancer victims. But, I do have an
audio CD that details the "who, why, and how" of the POLITICAL issues
surrounding cancer that I'd be happy to mail to you.
You can contact me at: "cancercures AT charter DOT net". Obviously, the
"AT" refers to the "@" symbol, and the "DOT" refers to the "." as in a
normal email address.
I know others have probably given you phony-baloney nonsense as a cure, but
this is something that I, as well as my family, have implemented to
safeguard ourselves from this easily prevented disease. This is
scientifically proven and laboratory tested. It is documented.
Unfortunately, the information has been suppressed due to the GREED and
POLITICS of those in power.
The Bible says that "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
Think about it. How many doctors would be out of work tomorrow if we cured
cancer today?
Some people will listen, and others will not. I guess each person gets to
make their own choosing.
Blessings to you all.
PS. I do know, first hand, the effects of cancer. I have seen it and I do n
ot take it lightly.
Email me if you are interested. If not, then I wish you the best of luck
with the "traditional therapies" that have less than a 15% success rate.