Testimonies of B17
(too old to reply)
2007-10-09 05:41:17 UTC
My wife is a leiomyosarcoma patient, she has been a cancer patient for about
three years now. Up until now, the cancer has been slow growing, but things
are starting to get a little rougher for her. Now, what I am wondering is
if anybody has heard any testimonies about vitamin b17. If so can you please
share them with me.. Thank you.

2007-10-09 07:51:49 UTC
Post by rudeboy011
My wife is a leiomyosarcoma patient, she has been a cancer patient for
about three years now. Up until now, the cancer has been slow growing,
but things are starting to get a little rougher for her. Now, what I am
wondering is if anybody has heard any testimonies about vitamin b17. If so
can you please share them with me.. Thank you.
It's complete and utter bollox.
2007-10-09 08:03:38 UTC
Post by rudeboy011
My wife is a leiomyosarcoma patient, she has been a cancer patient for about
three years now. Up until now, the cancer has been slow growing, but things
are starting to get a little rougher for her. Now, what I am wondering is
if anybody has heard any testimonies about vitamin b17. If so can you please
share them with me.. Thank you.
Hello Sean,
Leiomyosarcoma is a smooth muscle tumor, which may have epithelioid or myxoid
The mainstay treatment is surgery. B17 has no value.

There's an article here that you might be interested in.
< http://groups.google.com/group/sci.med.diseases.cancer/msg/9b6db8ea2cb247fc >

Please stay in touch and let us know more and/or how you're both doing.
2007-10-17 10:53:54 UTC
Post by rudeboy011
My wife is a leiomyosarcoma patient, she has been a cancer patient for
about three years now. Up until now, the cancer has been slow growing,
but things are starting to get a little rougher for her. Now, what I am
wondering is if anybody has heard any testimonies about vitamin b17. If so
can you please share them with me.. Thank you.
J and Steph are Allopaths. Allopathy suppressed laetrile
2013-08-08 19:31:37 UTC
Post by rudeboy011
My wife is a leiomyosarcoma patient, she has been a cancer patient for about
three years now. Up until now, the cancer has been slow growing, but things
are starting to get a little rougher for her. Now, what I am wondering is
if anybody has heard any testimonies about vitamin b17. If so can you please
share them with me.. Thank you.
My mother was diagnosied with Stage 3B Leiomysarcoma in her lung this past January2013. Back in 2005 she had it in her uterus that we believed laid dormant until last January. All of her spcialists gave us a 3-6 month prognosis. We started my mom on 500mg of B17 twice a day and she just celebrated her 65rd birthday! She refused chemo and is only taking the B17. She feels great, is able to drive, go to the beach, go shopping and even helps watch my 2yr old twins. She hasn't had a scan since March, becuase she refuses. Her attitude is that she feels good so she wants to leave everything alone until the time comes that she doesn't feel good.