2011-09-05 03:17:35 UTC
Redox-Active Iron-Induced Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis of
Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary.
Int J Gynecol Cancer 2011 Aug 19.
Yamada Y, Shigetomi H, Onogi A, Haruta S, Kawaguchi R, Yoshida S,
Furukawa N, Nagai A, Tanase Y, Tsunemi T, Oi H, Kobayashi H
Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the most lethal pelvic gynecologic
cancer. Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) and endometrioid adenocarcinoma
(EAC) of the ovary have been associated with endometriosis, thus
indicating that endometriosis has been believed to increase the risk
of developing EOC. The aim of our review was to identify and
synthesize the most current information on CCC with regard to
molecular and pathophysiological distinctions.
This article reviews the English-language literature for molecular,
pathogenetic, and pathophysiological studies on endometriosis and
endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer (EAOC). In this review, we
focus on the functions and roles of redox-active iron in CCC
The iron-induced reactive oxygen species signals can contribute to
carcinogenesis via 3 major processes: step 1, by increasing oxidative
stress, which promotes DNA mutagenesis, histone modification,
chromatin remodeling, and gene products activation/inactivation thus
contributing to EAOC initiation; step 2, by activating detoxification
and antiapoptotic pathways via the transcription factor hepatocyte
nuclear factor 1β overexpression, thereby contributing to CCC
promotion; and step 3, by creating an environment that supports
sustained growth, angiogenesis, migration, and invasion of cancer
cells via estrogen-dependent (EAC) or estrogen-independent (CCC)
mechanisms, thus supporting tumor progression and metastasis.
These aspects of reactive oxygen species biology will be discussed in
the context of its relationship to EAOC carcinogenesis.
International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of
the International Gynecological Cancer Society [Int J Gynecol Cancer]
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!
Clear Cell Carcinoma of the Ovary.
Int J Gynecol Cancer 2011 Aug 19.
Yamada Y, Shigetomi H, Onogi A, Haruta S, Kawaguchi R, Yoshida S,
Furukawa N, Nagai A, Tanase Y, Tsunemi T, Oi H, Kobayashi H
Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the most lethal pelvic gynecologic
cancer. Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) and endometrioid adenocarcinoma
(EAC) of the ovary have been associated with endometriosis, thus
indicating that endometriosis has been believed to increase the risk
of developing EOC. The aim of our review was to identify and
synthesize the most current information on CCC with regard to
molecular and pathophysiological distinctions.
This article reviews the English-language literature for molecular,
pathogenetic, and pathophysiological studies on endometriosis and
endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer (EAOC). In this review, we
focus on the functions and roles of redox-active iron in CCC
The iron-induced reactive oxygen species signals can contribute to
carcinogenesis via 3 major processes: step 1, by increasing oxidative
stress, which promotes DNA mutagenesis, histone modification,
chromatin remodeling, and gene products activation/inactivation thus
contributing to EAOC initiation; step 2, by activating detoxification
and antiapoptotic pathways via the transcription factor hepatocyte
nuclear factor 1β overexpression, thereby contributing to CCC
promotion; and step 3, by creating an environment that supports
sustained growth, angiogenesis, migration, and invasion of cancer
cells via estrogen-dependent (EAC) or estrogen-independent (CCC)
mechanisms, thus supporting tumor progression and metastasis.
These aspects of reactive oxygen species biology will be discussed in
the context of its relationship to EAOC carcinogenesis.
International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of
the International Gynecological Cancer Society [Int J Gynecol Cancer]
Who loves ya.
Jesus Was A Vegetarian!
Man Is A Herbivore!