2012-06-23 22:15:42 UTC
It's been a long time since I visited this group, and I was surprised by number of porn, and spam, posts that seem to have metastasized here.
Since successful chemo and radiation treatment for stage 2-3 3mm. lower tongue cancer (squamous cell carcinoma), with minor left-side lymph involvement ... five years ago ... no return ! :)
But, I have a recurrent yeast infection (yes, the tongue with stippled white deposits, which has been treated multiple times with several different typical drugs, like Fluconazole, unsuccessfully. It comes back within a week or so.
I have adapted to permanent impairment of much of my salivary function, loss of almost all sense of taste (except for sweet), and become primarily vegetarian, living primarily on soy-milk (fresh-made) laced with both whey protein and skimmed-milk powder.
No natural appetite or hunger, although, interestingly, my always keen sense of smell (never smoked, never drank alcohol) has become even keener, and smell "alone" can trigger the most wonderful, vivid, "ghosts of tastes past" :)
The vegetarianism is not because of "religious" or "ideological" reasons: mainly because a permanent deformity at the base of my tongue (at the epiglottic vallecula), makes it impossible to swallow anything hard, or not semi-liquid. I am told this deformity cannot be "fixed" surgically, and the local roto-rooter man declined the work :) And meat, of any type, would taste like "cardboard" to me, in addition to being not able to swallow it unless it was cut into tiny pieces and soaked in butter or oil.
I can "force" myself to swallow raw eggs for extra protein, and I can eat very soft steamed fish with butter, or mayonnaise, as a lubricant. But, in terms of desire to eat those good things: it's just gone.
So, I am wondering what to do: my overall health is good, at age near 69, I work out regularly including cardio, weights, bicycling, swimming, and am quite strong.
I feel repeated courses of the fluconazole type meds, which seem to be the only game in town, cannot be good, in the long run, for my immune system.
I'd appreciate feedback from anyone who has some ideas on recent new medications, treatment startegies, for a "final solution" for recurrent Candidiasis ... ideas, please, which are backed by legitimate medical research, and science.
And, thinking out of the box: am I mistaken to assume that this chronic yeast infection, absent other dramatic physical symptoms or illnesses, is something I just learn to live with (while making sure nobody eyeballs my tongue) ?
Thanks in advance for your thoughtful reponse.
And, if you are still here, in this forum, greetings to some of my former "angelic" sources of support here including Steph, J., KellyPoodle, and many others !
thanks, Bill
It's been a long time since I visited this group, and I was surprised by number of porn, and spam, posts that seem to have metastasized here.
Since successful chemo and radiation treatment for stage 2-3 3mm. lower tongue cancer (squamous cell carcinoma), with minor left-side lymph involvement ... five years ago ... no return ! :)
But, I have a recurrent yeast infection (yes, the tongue with stippled white deposits, which has been treated multiple times with several different typical drugs, like Fluconazole, unsuccessfully. It comes back within a week or so.
I have adapted to permanent impairment of much of my salivary function, loss of almost all sense of taste (except for sweet), and become primarily vegetarian, living primarily on soy-milk (fresh-made) laced with both whey protein and skimmed-milk powder.
No natural appetite or hunger, although, interestingly, my always keen sense of smell (never smoked, never drank alcohol) has become even keener, and smell "alone" can trigger the most wonderful, vivid, "ghosts of tastes past" :)
The vegetarianism is not because of "religious" or "ideological" reasons: mainly because a permanent deformity at the base of my tongue (at the epiglottic vallecula), makes it impossible to swallow anything hard, or not semi-liquid. I am told this deformity cannot be "fixed" surgically, and the local roto-rooter man declined the work :) And meat, of any type, would taste like "cardboard" to me, in addition to being not able to swallow it unless it was cut into tiny pieces and soaked in butter or oil.
I can "force" myself to swallow raw eggs for extra protein, and I can eat very soft steamed fish with butter, or mayonnaise, as a lubricant. But, in terms of desire to eat those good things: it's just gone.
So, I am wondering what to do: my overall health is good, at age near 69, I work out regularly including cardio, weights, bicycling, swimming, and am quite strong.
I feel repeated courses of the fluconazole type meds, which seem to be the only game in town, cannot be good, in the long run, for my immune system.
I'd appreciate feedback from anyone who has some ideas on recent new medications, treatment startegies, for a "final solution" for recurrent Candidiasis ... ideas, please, which are backed by legitimate medical research, and science.
And, thinking out of the box: am I mistaken to assume that this chronic yeast infection, absent other dramatic physical symptoms or illnesses, is something I just learn to live with (while making sure nobody eyeballs my tongue) ?
Thanks in advance for your thoughtful reponse.
And, if you are still here, in this forum, greetings to some of my former "angelic" sources of support here including Steph, J., KellyPoodle, and many others !
thanks, Bill