2004-05-20 00:09:54 UTC
Charles Cullen killed over 40 people. Hospitals did not report the suspicious
deaths to other hospitals he went off to work at. Hiding of abuse and
suspicious behavior by health care workers goes on all around the country,
Don't let you or your loved ones be next.
We are asking if everyone would be so kind as to email your lawmakers at the
Local, County, and State levels and encourage
them to do the following:
Introduce and pass legislation that requires higher standards and more
comprehensive background checks for current and future health care workers.
Indroduce pass legislation to require all health care facilities to report any
and all errors or disciplinary measures made by or taken against any health
care worker to the state. This information must be made available to any future
work place of the disciplined employee.
There must also be legislation to improve security in all health care
facilities. Access to patients, their records and to any medication must be
closely monitored and shut down/ceased and disciplined on record if a worker
attempts unauthorized access to patients or medication. Health care workers who
harm patients in any way, or Facilities who tollerate such workers should be
dealt with by the law with no tollerance. We need serious fines and jail time
for offenders. It may save a life, or a quite a few. Before another tragedy
like this occcurs please take a few minutes to write a short Email to your law
makers about the points above.
You may go to this link http://capwiz.com/congressorg/sbx/f/?aid=5892126&r=1
Or this one to Find and Email your lawmakers:
Thank you
(Yes this message will be cross posted)
In Honor of Eleanor Stoecker
Killed by Charles Cullen Feb 2003 with injections of Digoxin
Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Friend.
Charles Cullen killed over 40 people. Hospitals did not report the suspicious
deaths to other hospitals he went off to work at. Hiding of abuse and
suspicious behavior by health care workers goes on all around the country,
Don't let you or your loved ones be next.
We are asking if everyone would be so kind as to email your lawmakers at the
Local, County, and State levels and encourage
them to do the following:
Introduce and pass legislation that requires higher standards and more
comprehensive background checks for current and future health care workers.
Indroduce pass legislation to require all health care facilities to report any
and all errors or disciplinary measures made by or taken against any health
care worker to the state. This information must be made available to any future
work place of the disciplined employee.
There must also be legislation to improve security in all health care
facilities. Access to patients, their records and to any medication must be
closely monitored and shut down/ceased and disciplined on record if a worker
attempts unauthorized access to patients or medication. Health care workers who
harm patients in any way, or Facilities who tollerate such workers should be
dealt with by the law with no tollerance. We need serious fines and jail time
for offenders. It may save a life, or a quite a few. Before another tragedy
like this occcurs please take a few minutes to write a short Email to your law
makers about the points above.
You may go to this link http://capwiz.com/congressorg/sbx/f/?aid=5892126&r=1
Or this one to Find and Email your lawmakers:
Thank you
(Yes this message will be cross posted)
In Honor of Eleanor Stoecker
Killed by Charles Cullen Feb 2003 with injections of Digoxin
Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Friend.