2013-03-13 09:51:15 UTC
A Concise History of Breast Cancer
Editor: Marc Lacroix (InTextoResearch, Baelen, Wallonia, Belgium)
Nova Sciences Publishers (July 2013)
ISBN: 978-1-62618-461-9
Book description:
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer and the
second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. It is
estimated that breast cancer affects more than 1,000,000 women
worldwide each year, and about 450,000 die from the disease. During
the last decades, breast cancer has received considerable attention,
yet it is a very old disease that was described years and years ago.
This book provides a summary of breast cancer history. It covers the
ages from the ancient times to the early 2000's, but mainly focuses on
the 20th century and its numerous discoveries and inventions in the
field of breast cancer detection, analysis and treatment.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: From Prehistoric Times to the End of the Middle Ages
(Egypt, China, India, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzance, Islamic Spain,
Middle Ages)
Chapter 2: Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
Chapter 3: Nineteenth Century
Chapter 4: Breast Cancer Surgery
Chapter 5: Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
Chapter 6: Breast Cancer Chemotherapy (including Combination
Chemotherapy, Metronomic Chemotherapy...)
Chapter 7: Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer (including Ovarian
Suppressors, Tamoxifen and Estrogen Receptor Regulators, Aromatase
Chapter 8: Targeted Therapy of Breast Cancer (including Immunotherapy)
Chapter 9: Breast Cancer Staging and Grading
Chapter 10: Breast Cancer Genetics (including BRCA1, BRCA2...)
Chapter 11: Breast Cancer Imaging and Detection (including
Mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasonography,
Optical Imaging, Thermography, Computer Tomography, Positron Emission
Tomography, Positron Emission Tomography, PET/CT, Scintigraphy,
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT/CT,
Scintimammography, BSGI, Elastography, Electrical Impedance
Chapter 12: Breast Cancer Models (including Mouse Models, Rat Models,
Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Breast Cancer Xenografts, Genetically
Engineerd Mice, Mammospheres, Breast Cancer Stem Cells...)
Books Bibliography
Index of names:
Abulcasis (Abulkassim Al-Zahrawi); Aëtius of Amida; Allen, Edgar;
Allfrey, Vincent; Arderne (John of); Aselli, Gaspare; Astruc, Jean;
Auchincloss, Hugh; Arcamone, Federico; Arnold, Herbert; Avery, Oswald;
Baclesse, François; Bailar, John III; Baillie, Matthew; Banks,
William; Bartholin, Thomas; Beatson, Thomas; Bergonié, Jean; Bichat,
Xavier; Billroth, Theodore; Bishop, John; Bissell, Mina; Bittner,
John; Black, Maurice; Bloodgood, Joseph; Bloom, Julian; Boerhaave,
Hermann; Bonadonna, Gianni; Borst, Max; Bourseaux, Friedrich; Boveri,
Theodor; Boyd, Stanley; Breasted, James; Brenner, Sidney; Broca,
Pierre Paul; Brock, Norbert; Brodie, Angela; Bucalossi, Pietro;
Burney, Fanny; Cabanas, Ramón;
Cáceres, Eduardo; Cade, Stanford; Celsus, Aulus Cornelius; Chauliac
(Gui de); Cheatle, George ; Cohnheim, Julius; Coley, William; Cooper,
Astley; Cope, Oliver; Cormack, Allan; Cornil, Victor; Crick, Francis;
Crile, George Jr; Cronin, Thomas; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre; Cutler,
Max; Czerny, Vinzenz; Dahl-Iversen, Erling; Damadian, Raymond;
Democedes of Croton; Denoix, Pierre; Descartes, René; Despeignes,
Victor; Dodds, Edward; Doisy, Edward; Egan, Robert*; Ehrlich, Paul;
Ellis, Ian; Elston, Christopher; Fallopio, Gabriele; Farber, Sydney;
Firor, Warfield; Fisher, Bernard; Foveau de Courmelles, François;
Franklin, Rosalind; Fraumeni, Joseph; Frei, Emil III; Freireich, Emil;
Galen (Claudius Galenus); Gall, Joseph; Gendron, Claude; Gerow, Frank;
Gershon-Cohen, Jacob; Gillies, Harold; Gilman, Alfred; Gocht,
Hermann; Godinot, Jean; Goodman, Louis; Gouvêa, Hilário de; Gray,
Joseph; Greenough, Robert; Greenspan, Ezra; Gros, Charles; Gross,
Samuel; Grubbé, Emil; Guillemeau, Jacques; Haagensen, Cushman; Haddow,
Alexander; Halsted, William; Hampton, Caroline; Hanau, Arthur;
Handley, Richard; Handley, William; Hansemann, David von; Harvey,
William; Heidelberger, Charles; Heidenhein, Lothar; Heister, Lorenz;
Helvetius, Adrian; Herodotus; Hertz, Roy; Hildanus, Wilhelm Fabricius
(Fabrice of Hilden); Hippocrates of Cos; Hoffman, Edward; Hoffmann,
Friedrich; Holland, James; Hounsfield, Godfrey; Huebner, Robert;
Huggins, Charles; Hungerford, David; Hunter, John; Ingleby, Helen;
Jacob, François; Johansen, Helge; Jordan, Virgil Craig; Kaae, Sigvard;
Keynes, Geoffrey; Knudson, Alfred; Köhler, Georges; Küster, Ernst;
Lacassagne, Antoine; Laënnec, René; Lanfranchi, Guido; Laqueur, Ernst;
Larrey, Dominique-Jean; Lasfargues, Etienne; Lathrop, Abbie;
Lauterbur, Paul; Lawson, Raymond; Leakey, Louis; Lebert, Hermann;
Leborgne, Raúl; Le Doussal, Viviane; Le Dran, Henri-François; Lees,
James; Leonides of Alexandria; Lerner, Leonard; Lett, Hugh; Li,
Frederic; Li, Min Chiu; Lindskog, Gustaf; Lister, Joseph; Loeb, Leo;
Loeser, Alfred; Long, Crawford; Louis, Antoine; Luckhardt, Arno;
MacDonald, Ian; MacLeod, Colin; Manchot, Carl; Mansfield, Peter;
Margottini, Mario; Martynova, RP; McCarty, Maclyn; McWhirter, Robert;
Meselson, Matthew; Meyer, Willie; Milstein, César; Mirsky, Alfred*;
Mondeville (Henri de); Moore, Charles; Morgagni, Giovanni; Morgan,
Thomas; Morton, William; Muller, Hermann; Müller, Johannes; Murley,
Reginald; Mustakallio, Sakari; Neal, Donald; Nordling, Carl; Novinsky,
Mstislav; Nowell, Peter; Nunn, Thomas; Ochsner, Albert; Oribasius;
Osler, William; Ozzello, Luciano; Paget, James; Paget, Stephen;
Pancoast, Joseph; Paracelsus (Phillipus von Hohenheim); Pardue, Mary-
Lou; Paré, Ambroise; Park, Wallace; Pasteur, Louis; Paterson, James;
Patey, David; Paul of Aegina; Pecquet, Jean; Petit, Jean-Louis;
Peyrilhe, Bernard; Pfahler, George; Phelps, Michael; Pinkel, Daniel;
Portmann, Ursus; Pott, Percival; Ramazzini, Bernardino; Récamier,
Joseph; Reid, John; Ribbert, Hugo; Richardson, William; Rigoni-Stern,
Domenico; Rodman, William; Röntgen, Wilhelm; Rudbeck, Olof; Russell,
Marion; Salomon, Albert; Scarff, Robert; Scultetus, Johannes;
Schinzinger, Albert; Severinus, Marcus Aurelius; Sjogren, Tage;
Skipper, Howard; Slamon, Dennis; Smith, Edwin; Stahl, Georges-Ernest;
Stéhelin, Dominique; Steinthal, Karl; Stenbeck, Thor; Stout, Arthur;
Strickler, Albert; Sugarbaker, Everett; Tansini, Iginio; Thackray,
Alan; Thiersch, Karl; Todaro, George; Tribondeau, Louis; Tyzzer,
Ernest; Ulrich, Paul; Urban, Jerome ; Vallebona, Alessandro; Varmus,
Harold; Velpeau, Alfred; Veronesi, Umberto; Vesalius, Andreas;
Virchow, Rudolph; Volkmann, Richard von; Waldeyer, Wilhelm von;
Wangensteen, Owen; Ward, Roy; Warren, Stafford; Watson, James; Wild,
John; Wilkins, Maurice; Williams, Ivor; Winge, Øjvind; Wise, Leslie;
Winiwarter, Alexander von; Zur Hausen, Harald
Editor: Marc Lacroix (InTextoResearch, Baelen, Wallonia, Belgium)
Nova Sciences Publishers (July 2013)
ISBN: 978-1-62618-461-9
Book description:
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer and the
second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. It is
estimated that breast cancer affects more than 1,000,000 women
worldwide each year, and about 450,000 die from the disease. During
the last decades, breast cancer has received considerable attention,
yet it is a very old disease that was described years and years ago.
This book provides a summary of breast cancer history. It covers the
ages from the ancient times to the early 2000's, but mainly focuses on
the 20th century and its numerous discoveries and inventions in the
field of breast cancer detection, analysis and treatment.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: From Prehistoric Times to the End of the Middle Ages
(Egypt, China, India, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzance, Islamic Spain,
Middle Ages)
Chapter 2: Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
Chapter 3: Nineteenth Century
Chapter 4: Breast Cancer Surgery
Chapter 5: Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
Chapter 6: Breast Cancer Chemotherapy (including Combination
Chemotherapy, Metronomic Chemotherapy...)
Chapter 7: Endocrine Therapy of Breast Cancer (including Ovarian
Suppressors, Tamoxifen and Estrogen Receptor Regulators, Aromatase
Chapter 8: Targeted Therapy of Breast Cancer (including Immunotherapy)
Chapter 9: Breast Cancer Staging and Grading
Chapter 10: Breast Cancer Genetics (including BRCA1, BRCA2...)
Chapter 11: Breast Cancer Imaging and Detection (including
Mammography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasonography,
Optical Imaging, Thermography, Computer Tomography, Positron Emission
Tomography, Positron Emission Tomography, PET/CT, Scintigraphy,
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT/CT,
Scintimammography, BSGI, Elastography, Electrical Impedance
Chapter 12: Breast Cancer Models (including Mouse Models, Rat Models,
Breast Cancer Cell Lines, Breast Cancer Xenografts, Genetically
Engineerd Mice, Mammospheres, Breast Cancer Stem Cells...)
Books Bibliography
Index of names:
Abulcasis (Abulkassim Al-Zahrawi); Aëtius of Amida; Allen, Edgar;
Allfrey, Vincent; Arderne (John of); Aselli, Gaspare; Astruc, Jean;
Auchincloss, Hugh; Arcamone, Federico; Arnold, Herbert; Avery, Oswald;
Baclesse, François; Bailar, John III; Baillie, Matthew; Banks,
William; Bartholin, Thomas; Beatson, Thomas; Bergonié, Jean; Bichat,
Xavier; Billroth, Theodore; Bishop, John; Bissell, Mina; Bittner,
John; Black, Maurice; Bloodgood, Joseph; Bloom, Julian; Boerhaave,
Hermann; Bonadonna, Gianni; Borst, Max; Bourseaux, Friedrich; Boveri,
Theodor; Boyd, Stanley; Breasted, James; Brenner, Sidney; Broca,
Pierre Paul; Brock, Norbert; Brodie, Angela; Bucalossi, Pietro;
Burney, Fanny; Cabanas, Ramón;
Cáceres, Eduardo; Cade, Stanford; Celsus, Aulus Cornelius; Chauliac
(Gui de); Cheatle, George ; Cohnheim, Julius; Coley, William; Cooper,
Astley; Cope, Oliver; Cormack, Allan; Cornil, Victor; Crick, Francis;
Crile, George Jr; Cronin, Thomas; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre; Cutler,
Max; Czerny, Vinzenz; Dahl-Iversen, Erling; Damadian, Raymond;
Democedes of Croton; Denoix, Pierre; Descartes, René; Despeignes,
Victor; Dodds, Edward; Doisy, Edward; Egan, Robert*; Ehrlich, Paul;
Ellis, Ian; Elston, Christopher; Fallopio, Gabriele; Farber, Sydney;
Firor, Warfield; Fisher, Bernard; Foveau de Courmelles, François;
Franklin, Rosalind; Fraumeni, Joseph; Frei, Emil III; Freireich, Emil;
Galen (Claudius Galenus); Gall, Joseph; Gendron, Claude; Gerow, Frank;
Gershon-Cohen, Jacob; Gillies, Harold; Gilman, Alfred; Gocht,
Hermann; Godinot, Jean; Goodman, Louis; Gouvêa, Hilário de; Gray,
Joseph; Greenough, Robert; Greenspan, Ezra; Gros, Charles; Gross,
Samuel; Grubbé, Emil; Guillemeau, Jacques; Haagensen, Cushman; Haddow,
Alexander; Halsted, William; Hampton, Caroline; Hanau, Arthur;
Handley, Richard; Handley, William; Hansemann, David von; Harvey,
William; Heidelberger, Charles; Heidenhein, Lothar; Heister, Lorenz;
Helvetius, Adrian; Herodotus; Hertz, Roy; Hildanus, Wilhelm Fabricius
(Fabrice of Hilden); Hippocrates of Cos; Hoffman, Edward; Hoffmann,
Friedrich; Holland, James; Hounsfield, Godfrey; Huebner, Robert;
Huggins, Charles; Hungerford, David; Hunter, John; Ingleby, Helen;
Jacob, François; Johansen, Helge; Jordan, Virgil Craig; Kaae, Sigvard;
Keynes, Geoffrey; Knudson, Alfred; Köhler, Georges; Küster, Ernst;
Lacassagne, Antoine; Laënnec, René; Lanfranchi, Guido; Laqueur, Ernst;
Larrey, Dominique-Jean; Lasfargues, Etienne; Lathrop, Abbie;
Lauterbur, Paul; Lawson, Raymond; Leakey, Louis; Lebert, Hermann;
Leborgne, Raúl; Le Doussal, Viviane; Le Dran, Henri-François; Lees,
James; Leonides of Alexandria; Lerner, Leonard; Lett, Hugh; Li,
Frederic; Li, Min Chiu; Lindskog, Gustaf; Lister, Joseph; Loeb, Leo;
Loeser, Alfred; Long, Crawford; Louis, Antoine; Luckhardt, Arno;
MacDonald, Ian; MacLeod, Colin; Manchot, Carl; Mansfield, Peter;
Margottini, Mario; Martynova, RP; McCarty, Maclyn; McWhirter, Robert;
Meselson, Matthew; Meyer, Willie; Milstein, César; Mirsky, Alfred*;
Mondeville (Henri de); Moore, Charles; Morgagni, Giovanni; Morgan,
Thomas; Morton, William; Muller, Hermann; Müller, Johannes; Murley,
Reginald; Mustakallio, Sakari; Neal, Donald; Nordling, Carl; Novinsky,
Mstislav; Nowell, Peter; Nunn, Thomas; Ochsner, Albert; Oribasius;
Osler, William; Ozzello, Luciano; Paget, James; Paget, Stephen;
Pancoast, Joseph; Paracelsus (Phillipus von Hohenheim); Pardue, Mary-
Lou; Paré, Ambroise; Park, Wallace; Pasteur, Louis; Paterson, James;
Patey, David; Paul of Aegina; Pecquet, Jean; Petit, Jean-Louis;
Peyrilhe, Bernard; Pfahler, George; Phelps, Michael; Pinkel, Daniel;
Portmann, Ursus; Pott, Percival; Ramazzini, Bernardino; Récamier,
Joseph; Reid, John; Ribbert, Hugo; Richardson, William; Rigoni-Stern,
Domenico; Rodman, William; Röntgen, Wilhelm; Rudbeck, Olof; Russell,
Marion; Salomon, Albert; Scarff, Robert; Scultetus, Johannes;
Schinzinger, Albert; Severinus, Marcus Aurelius; Sjogren, Tage;
Skipper, Howard; Slamon, Dennis; Smith, Edwin; Stahl, Georges-Ernest;
Stéhelin, Dominique; Steinthal, Karl; Stenbeck, Thor; Stout, Arthur;
Strickler, Albert; Sugarbaker, Everett; Tansini, Iginio; Thackray,
Alan; Thiersch, Karl; Todaro, George; Tribondeau, Louis; Tyzzer,
Ernest; Ulrich, Paul; Urban, Jerome ; Vallebona, Alessandro; Varmus,
Harold; Velpeau, Alfred; Veronesi, Umberto; Vesalius, Andreas;
Virchow, Rudolph; Volkmann, Richard von; Waldeyer, Wilhelm von;
Wangensteen, Owen; Ward, Roy; Warren, Stafford; Watson, James; Wild,
John; Wilkins, Maurice; Williams, Ivor; Winge, Øjvind; Wise, Leslie;
Winiwarter, Alexander von; Zur Hausen, Harald