Post by Amber Travsky
That's a lie. the google group socialsecuritydisability is a private
group that is run by Jack Wesolowski whose problems with truth are well
known and well documented on the UseNet.
If you don't believe me, here's what Jon had to say. Jon signed up as a
member looking for advice and was banned for no reason and without
Subject: Re: //
From: "Jon" <***>
I didn't even criticize him and he banned me from his group. All goes
show... (?)
And, BTW,
If you want to participate in a discussion in an alt.* newsgroup, you
can do so using one of numerous UseNet providers. Although these
providers log the IP address of your computer, they do not put that IP
address in the headers of your posts which are accessible to everyone.
However, if you want to participate in a discussion within a Google
Group you need to log in through a Google account, and Google does
include your IP address in the headers of your posts which are
accessible to everyone. This can be a problem if you are disclosing
personal information and asking questions about either your present or
future social security disability concerns. For example, in a series of
posts to the Google Group SocialSecurityDisability, Val (a newbie)
provided a great deal of information regarding her husband's health,
employment, insurance situation, as well as reason for her interest in
social security disability. This sort of public disclosure of personal
information is in and of itself an red flag to those who investigate
suspected SSD fraud. Worse yet, right there in the headers is Val's IP
address which, immediately tells an investigator that Val is located in
the Los Angeles area and that her Internet access provider is
RoadRunner. In addition, her IP address is sufficient to lead that
investigator directly to her front door.