Hope this helps…
(too old to reply)
Kenzie gg
2011-06-13 09:33:06 UTC
Hi to All

I hope my blog (http://kenziegg.blogspot.com) will enlighten and
uplift the spirit of those with severe medical conditions. Leukemia,
cancer, dialysis patients etc

Cheers and best regards: Kenzie
2011-06-13 13:48:35 UTC
Post by Kenzie gg
Hi to All
I hope my blog
Post by Kenzie gg
will enlighten and
uplift the spirit of those with severe medical conditions. Leukemia,
cancer, dialysis patients etc
Cheers and best regards: Kenzie
This isn't, as you might expect, a blog from a patient, that might
help raise the spirits of other patients. Instead, it's an
advertisement site about jet another kind of magic cure-all, this one
called Snake Grass.
