Has anyone heard of Iodine therapy for the treatment of skin cancer? Why does it seem no one believes it? I'm living proof!
(too old to reply)
2012-02-07 07:01:29 UTC
Re: Has anyone heard of Iodine therapy for the treatment of skin
cancer? I asked my doctor and he'd never heard of it. Why does it seem
no one believes it? I'm living proof.

I've counted at least eight skin cancer looking moles that dried up
and crumbled off after three months of taking 2% iodine, daily,
leaving healthy skin underneath.

I've been taking 20 drops a day for the last 5 months. What I thought
were moles have fallen off may hands, chest and scalp. The one in my
hair fell off about a month ago. This after telling the barber to be
careful combing around 'the mole' for the last year.

In the past month a frigging blister/boil looking thing appeared on my
chest. It looks bad enough to see the doctor but...I've been putting a
drop of iodine on it for the last month before bed. Today I noticed on
the high spot where iodine pooled has tuned black. I thought it was
stain from the iodine but when I scraped part of it off with my finger
(no nerves triggered pain) nail down to healthy skin I knew the iodine
was working against the boil/cancer thing.

I put a drop of iodine on the healthy skin now flush with the
surrounding skin. I'm confident in the next week or so the rest of the
(cancer) harden boil thing will turn black and fall off.

Yucky I know, sorry. I'll make an appointment with my dermatologist
after the rest falls off.

Two years ago I had a cancer cut off my hand costing $300 in co-pays,
lab fees and operation, insurance paid much more than that. what was
cut off looked no different than what's fallen off after oral iodine
treatment and this last one with drops directly on it.

The eight things that fell off could have set me back $2400 in medial

Spread the word about the health benefits of iodine, will you?

I found this artical that backs up my story:
Momma Raider
2012-02-08 01:31:22 UTC
I doubt iodine would have helped my melanoma...
2012-02-08 03:44:46 UTC
Post by Momma Raider
I doubt iodine would have helped my melanoma...
There is a case of a woman who had breast cancer and before mastectomy
tried the iodine/iodide therapy. After two years of 150 micrograms
daily the cancer was no longer present.

Iodine, Cancer and Fibrocystic Disease

Several studies have demonstrated a relationship
between low iodine intake and fibrocystic disease of the
breast (FDB), both in women and laboratory animals.


Extrathyroidal Benefits of Iodine

Iodine prevents breast cancer
2012-02-08 03:53:44 UTC
Post by Momma Raider
I doubt iodine would have helped my melanoma...
I found this story which involves skin cancers
2012-02-08 16:44:27 UTC
Eat Takeout Off Real Plates
BPA, a synthetic estrogen linked to cancer, is in many plastic food
containers and can leach into your meal when the container is heated
and possibly when simply exposed to hot food. Transfer your pad thai
to a ceramic plate before digging in.


I found this story which involves Iodine curing skin cancer

There is a case of a woman who had breast cancer and before mastectomy
tried the iodine/iodide therapy. After two years of 150 micrograms
daily the cancer was no longer present.

Iodine, Cancer and Fibrocystic Disease

Several studies have demonstrated a relationship
between low iodine intake and fibrocystic disease of the
breast (FDB), both in women and laboratory animals.


Extrathyroidal Benefits of Iodine

Iodine prevents breast cancer
