(too old to reply)
Ann of Seven Diseases
2012-04-10 14:32:07 UTC
No question but that chemo and radiation are worse than the diseases
we are told they're supposed to "cure."

But cure is the last thing BIG CANCER wants!

Treatment is where the big, enduring profits lie.

Try asking what the CEOs of cancer societies and and similar
organizations reap in salaries and other compensations that are
buttressed by YOUR 'Race for the Cure' donations. Good luck.

The sole thing that chemotherapy and radiation accomplish is to
DESTROY forever a patient's IMMUNE SYSTEM! Leaving them open to more
and more expensive "treatment."

During the [hoped-for] slow, painful, undignified path to the
inevitable end.

2012-04-10 15:38:36 UTC
Ann of Seven Diseases <***@yahoo.com> wrote in news:0f14b691-97bb-

Post by Ann of Seven Diseases
The sole thing that chemotherapy and radiation accomplish is to
DESTROY forever a patient's IMMUNE SYSTEM! Leaving them open to more
and more expensive "treatment."
During the [hoped-for] slow, painful, undignified path to the
inevitable end.
Why is it that NO cancer cure conspiracist ever manages to get their
head around the fact that dead patients generate no profits?
God help any anti-vaxxer who ever has an enema, there would
be nothing left of them.
- Mark M
2012-04-11 02:59:08 UTC
My mother and three sisters all died of cancer. Tits and anus.

But you know, it's not too bad until about three weeks before the
patient croaks. About then, they really begin to stink, and pus and
stuff oozes out their holes and their skin starts dropping off.

Of course, within a week or so of death, their bowels give up the most
overpowering odor you can imagine.

I gave up visits about then. Whew!

But I still wonder, if in the afterlife -- if there is one -- these
departed look and smell as they did when they died. If so, I don't
want no part of that!
2012-04-11 06:19:55 UTC
My mother and three sisters all died of cancer.  Tits and anus.
But you know, it's not too bad until about three weeks before the
patient croaks. About then, they really begin to stink, and pus and
stuff oozes out their holes and their skin starts dropping off.
Of course, within a week or so of death, their bowels give up the most
overpowering odor you can imagine.
I gave up visits about then.  Whew!
But I still wonder, if in the afterlife -- if there is one -- these
departed look and smell as they did when they died.  If so, I don't
want no part of that!
Thanks for your touching contribution - I'm sorry for the loss of so
many family members.
I'm sure in the afterlife people take on appearance at their most

