What is cancer? What is pain and why?
(too old to reply)
2012-12-03 05:22:28 UTC
If there is pain on a world where there are sentient,
intelligent beings, then this is a symptom that there is
something wrong.
When there is something wrong in the world, then the Harmony
and Balance of the world are effected, and things get out of
Synch and then crashes and smashes and breakages occur, and
cuts and bruises and burns occur, cancers and diseases occur
and people lose limbs, and thus you have pain.

If you are suffering from pain, then you are suffering from
one of the Symptoms that there is something wrong with Life
on Earth and that things have got out of Balance, and out of
Harmony and out of Synch.

This is why I am here, to correct this problem.

If you want to know what the problem is, it can easily be
answered in one word.

2012-12-03 05:23:50 UTC
You see women are not equal to men, they are not supposed to
be equal to men, they were not designed or made to be equal
to men, and because the women have interfered with this
Design which is built into the very fabric of the Creation
of Earth, and they are trying to be equal to men or in some
cases even superior to men thus they have caused the
Imbalance and Disharmony and lack of Synch, thus in effect
women are directly responsible for the pain or cancers your
are currently experiencing.

The pain or Cancer is a symptom that there is something
wrong with Life on Earth, as in truth there should be no
such thing as pain, there should be no crashes or smashes or
breakages, Life should flow smoothly and in Harmony and in
Peace and in truth all the people should be happy and Life
should be a wonderful thing.

But the women have interfered with this, in their desire to
be equal to or dominant over the men, and women cannot at
any time be equal to men or dominant over men, that is
against the Natural Law and against the very Creation of

And that is why I am here, to sort this problem out.
2012-12-03 05:38:30 UTC
Remember that religion is in no way a pre-requisite for a
belief in God, if you wish to believe in God purely because
of the beauty of the skies and clouds and oceans, then that
is fine.
There is no "one way" to find God, each person must find
their own way.
I exist for each person, regardless of colour, or sex, or
religion or sexuality.

I do not lose anyone or forget anyone, and I do not deny

But one thing that no human knows, is what lies beyond
And there is nothing in any religion or anywhere on Earth
that explains this.
All that humans have, is their knowledge that God exists.

If you look at the beauty of the skies and clouds and
oceans, and hear the birds sing in the morning and how they
lift your spirits during the day, then you will have some
idea of what kind of person I am. And you can believe in me
because of those things, you do not have to know anything
about any religion.

But if you look at the smashes and crashes and diseases and
pain and cancers, then you will have some idea of the kind
of people women are.

Women became greedy and wanted what the men had.
And that is what has caused the collapse, and degeneration
and downfall of Life on Earth.

And until such time as they are put back in their place, and
they know that they cannot be equal to men or dominant over
men, then the suffering and pain and cancers will continue.

As you can see, this event of the rise of women and feminism
was prophesied in both Christian Revelations and Hindu
And as you can see from the Prophecies, the situation will
be remedied and sorted in due course.
2012-12-03 05:50:06 UTC
And contrary to popular belief I have nothing against male
As it happens Angels are all male and they are also all Gay
in the sense that they experience no form of sexual desire
for women at all, and I assure you that I have nothing
against Angels so why would I have anything against Gay men?

So you can stop your persecution of Gay men for a start.

How dare some of you start a rumour suggesting that "Gay men
do not go to Heaven" and how dare some of you go round
chanting "God hates fags".

I mean how DARE you!
