2012-08-18 03:00:16 UTC
Viernes, 10 de Agosto, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
INDEPENDENCIA DEL ECUADOR: Felices días feriados le deseamos a cada
una de todas nuestras familias ecuatorianas que en estos días celebran
el primer grito de Independencia Nacional del yugo español. Por tanto,
le pedimos en oración a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado
de su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, que las bendiga
grande y ricamente en todas las cosas que ellas deseen para ellos
mismos y para los suyos también, incluyendo sus amistades de siempre
en tierras extranjeras.
Y, además, le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado
de su Hijo amado, que las bendiga en todo lo que deseen alcanzar o
tener ya en sus vidas, porque nuestro Dios es Todopoderoso y dueño del
cielo y la tierra: por tanto, Él nos suple siempre todo lo que
deseemos y hasta lo más soñado de nuestros corazones también. Ya que,
para nuestro Padre celestial no hay nada imposible que él no pueda
hacer en la tierra y en el cielo en estos días para cada uno de todos
nosotros, no importando jamás en dónde nos encontremos entre las
naciones, por medio del sacrificio continúo y de la resurrección
victoriosa de su Hijo amado del fondo de la tierra.
Por ello, amamos a nuestro Padre celestial con nuestras fuerzas, con
nuestra alma, con nuestra mente, con nuestro corazón y con toda
nuestra vida, porque Él es eternamente bueno para con cada uno de
nosotros, y nos ama tanto hoy en día como en el día que nos concibió
en su imagen para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial.
Somos sus hijos legítimos en la tierra y en el cielo eternamente y
para siempre, para seguir viviendo conforme a su semejanza celestial
puesto que hemos salido de su imagen por los poderes de su Espíritu
Santo en el día que nacimos en el cielo.
Y, ahora, volvemos a nacer de su Espíritu Santo, para escapar el
espíritu de error y el pecado de Adán y Eva, gracias a la obra
salvadora de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, quien
por liberarnos del yugo del pecado y de la muerte del infierno nos ha
lavado del mal eterno con su sangre preciosa y todopoderosa. ¡Amén!
¡Felices días festivos a todos nuestros hermanos ecuatorianos en este
gran día de la Proclamación de Independencia de nuestro Gran Ecuador!
The King of Syria had defeated the Israelites because our heavenly
Father was no longer with them. They had followed the way of Jeroboam,
who worshipped the idols of defeated nations wherever he was to
worship and serve our heavenly Father’s blessed name and supreme
celestial-sacrificed of His Son’s atoning-blood manifested to Israel
over Mount Sinai’s summit and throughout the high hills of the
conquered lands.
This evil angered our heavenly Father, and Jeroboam was removed with
Israel from His protective presence so the usual enemies of Israel may
defeat them since they no longer enjoy our heavenly Father’s
protection of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood that was shed from the creation of the world to create heaven
and earth with all things in them. Therefore, the King of Syria
brought into Israel people from Syria to inhabit the lands that the
Israelites had abandoned; people from Cuthah, Havva, Hamath,
Sepharbaim took possession of the tows of Israel.
These people brought with them their gods and idols of daily worship,
so they installed them over the high hills of Israel where
symbolically through every animal sacrifice our heavenly Father’s
Chosen Lamb atoning-blood was shed to cover sin temporarily thus
driving our heavenly Father to great anger. These people with their
religious beliefs and rituals failed to please our heavenly Father
daily devotion to the Holy Spirit of His great name and Eternal Ten
Commandments that honored, glorified and exalted constantly the
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s sacrificed life within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so love, truth and
saving-justice may touch life everywhere.
And because these people with their religious believes and daily
rituals to their idols failed to please our heavenly Father’s Holy
Spirit of His great name, eternal commandments and supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the
world, then He commanded the beasts of the land to destroy them
mercilessly where they were serving their idols. All the sudden and
from nowhere: Lions were coming out from darkness to attack the people
as they worshipped and served their idols before their altars
throughout the towns of Samaria and the rest of Israel as well thus
increasing the spirit of darkness and terror within their lives.
Furthermore, the beasts were multiplying and people were been eating
by them by the hundreds, and no one knew why these terrible attacks
were taking place against them without any warning at all because the
lions were coming against them ferociously one herd after another.
Men, women and children were been eating by the ferocious beasts,
especially lions coming against them from everywhere by the hundreds,
since wild beasts and lions were not to be living there at all
according to the Hebrews and other peoples that had inhabited these
lands for centuries.
Nevertheless, Babylonian peoples just knew that they had to live in
this new conquered land of Israel because the King of Syria had moved
them there with their loved ones, so they may serve him just as they
had served him in their native lands of Babylon, for example. All the
same, the wild beast and lions continue to come against them more and
more every day and without stopping or taking a break for a day, so
they may not do anymore of the religious rituals that they were doing
with their gods and idols that they had installed on the high hills of
the towns of Israel.
And as the lions were coming against them with such a ferocious
increasing appetite to eat them just as they had done it many times
before, then the occupying Babylonians of the Israelite’s towns would
kneel down and worship more fervently then ever before to their gods
and idols, so they may do something to protect them but to no avail.
Truly, there was no help at all coming to them from their gods and
idols because the lions and beast continued to come against them every
day and night with a greater hunger to devour them than ever before.
However, then they realized that even though they were faithful
servants to the gods and idols that they had brought into the land of
Israel nonetheless the lions will not go away much less stop coming
against them as they expressed their love, faiths and beliefs to their
idols—then they decided to find another solution immediately. And as
the peoples from Babylon stopped expressing their faith and beliefs
with their daily rituals to the gods and idols that they had brought
into the land of Israel, then the lions stopped coming against them
less frequently than before.
Furthermore, as the lions stopped coming against them less frequently
then before, then now they needed to figure out what they had to do
thus to please the God of the land of Israel, so they will not have to
suffer more attacks from the wild beasts. At this point, the
Babylonians decided to ask their King to have someone from the Hebrews
return to Israel, so they may express the faith and beliefs that
normally were expressed through rituals in the Israelite towns, so the
God of the land may turn His anger away from them—and, like this, stop
the lions from attacking them.
Then as the word came to the Hebrews captivated in Babylon for what
was going on in their tows of Israel that they had left behind because
our heavenly Father had punished them with His hot anger for
disobeying Him by always going the way of Jeroboam and his persistent
wickedness, then they sent one of their priests. And as the Levite
priest entered Israel, then immediately he taught the Babylonians our
heavenly Father’s words that pleased the Holy Spirit of His great
name, eternal commandments and supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world, so His wrath
may cease and, like this, stop the lions from returning to the
Israelite towns to cause havoc.
Shortly, as just one Levite priest preached and taught our heavenly
Father’s words to the Babylonians occupying Israel’s towns, then no
one ever saw a lion again in their entire life because our heavenly
Father’s wrath had been restrained miraculously not by men’s power but
by His own Holy Spirit that glorifies and exalts daily His name and
eternal commandments forever. This means also that as our heavenly
Father’s name and eternal commandments are glorified and exalted daily
by the Holy Spirit then also His glorious supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world is
glorified and exalted mightily in the high heavens, so the earth with
the nations may be blessed and saved eventually.
For our heavenly Father had chosen Israel as the Promised Land granted
to Abraham through a covenant of life so his children may inherit it
forever, but before Abraham’s children inherit this land, our heavenly
Father had given it to His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
so he may be born there from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin
daughter. And the people that inherit these lands flowing with milk
and honey were the children of the Hebrews that left Egypt by crossing
the Red sea through dry ground and walls of waters on both sides, so
they may stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to become born from the Holy
Spirit by drinking miraculously living water from the eternal rock.
However, since the first Hebrews rebelled against our heavenly
Father’s will by fashioning a golden calf to call it their liberator
from Egypt’s captivity, then He decided to kill them so from Moses He
will create a new nation faithful to Him and His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed at Mount Sinai’s summit from
the creation of the world. Now, our heavenly Father wanted to kill
every one at Mount Sinai’s foot since they had fashioned a golden
calf, and called it their God liberator from Egypt’s slavery;
therefore, they had been born into a very strange spirit as the spirit
of error thus disqualifying them to be born again from His Holy Spirit
to enter into the Promised Land.
This is the reason that our heavenly Father had to wait patiently for
forty-years until every one that had been born again from the spirit
of the golden calf may die, so the children that they were born from
the first Hebrews leaving slavery may be born in due time from the
Holy Spirit to enter the Promised Land at last. Nevertheless, Moses
prayed to our heavenly Father so He will change His mind against
Israel and let them live, and our heavenly Father listened to Moses’
prayer so He decided to let them live until they will live their
normal days in the desert and let their children enter the Promised
Land to conquer it forever for the glory of His Son.
Now, since the Hebrews leaving captivity failed to be born again from
the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot after drinking water from the
eternal rock, then our heavenly Father caused His SHEKINAH to hover
over Israel through the desert so their children may be born from the
Holy Spirit, so they may enter the Promised Land Holy Spirit born
forever. Moreover, the reason that our heavenly Father could not let
the first Hebrew enter the Promised Land but instead let them live
their normal days in the desert until the have children and then die,
it was because to possess the Promised Land they had to be born from
the Holy Spirit from the start of the journey into the Promised Land.
In other words, everyone that was called to possess the Promised Land,
this meant that he had to be born from the Holy Spirit just as Isaac
was born from the Holy Spirit so the covenant of life that our
heavenly Father had started with Abram and his companions by eating
the bread and wine, finally it would be fulfilled everlastingly.
Therefore, only by fulfilling and honoring properly our heavenly
Father’s covenant of life with Abram and his allies then the Promised
Land would flow with milk and honey, for it is the birthplace of the
Great King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, that would bring eternal
life dressed with a glorified body for everyone to receive and live
perpetually saved.
Meaning also that whoever lives within the Promised Land without been
born again from the Holy Spirit, then he is not only violating our
heavenly Father’s covenant of life that He personally started with
Abram and his friends, moreover he will fail to believe in the new
covenant of eternal life with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that pleases
our heavenly Father forever. Because, to believe in the new covenant
of life from our Lord Jesus Christ, then that one must be born from
the Holy Spirit through the ancient covenant that our heavenly Father
started with Abram and his companions as Melchizedek served the bread
and wine at Salem’s gate, so they may finally be born again from the
Holy Spirit into eternal life.
Otherwise, it is impossible to believe in our heavenly Father’s new
covenant of life or in His Son Jesus Christ as His personal high
priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that was shed initially
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the eternal rock at
Mount Sinai, so Israel may be saved from eternal slavery. Meaning also
that to believe in our heavenly Father’s first covenant of life with
Abram and his companions for Isaac to be born from the Holy Spirit,
then one must be born from the Holy Spirit to believe in the last
covenant of life from our Lord Jesus Christ since it takes the Holy
Spirit to believe in the Holy Spirit.
In other words, to try to believe in the spirit of error to love God
that we have received from Adam and Eve as we were born on earth
through our mother’s womb then we are in conflict with the Holy
Spirit, because the spirit of error constantly refuses to believe in
the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation. Therefore, you
must be born from the Holy Spirit to believe in the Holy Spirit’s work
of the first covenant and the last one too, so you may at last take
that one step forward to awaken from darkness into light, that is, in
a moment of faith-and-prayer: born instantly from the Holy Spirit from
death into eternal life.
Presently, to believe in our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as our heavenly
Father’s Son since the creation of the world, then everyone must
believe first in His covenant of life with Abram and his friends that
gave birth by the power of the Holy Spirit to Isaac through Sara’s
barren-womb, so Israel may become a nation of people born from the
Holy Spirit. And Israel needed to be born again from the Holy Spirit
not only to honor and glorify our heavenly Father’s initial covenant
of life with Abram and his friends but also to have a legal right to
become a citizen of the Promised Land that our heavenly Father had
promised to Abraham’s children to possess, so the Messiah may return
to earth always.
Otherwise, anyone not honoring our heavenly Father’s covenant of life
with Abram and his allies then he is shunning himself from been born
from the Holy Spirit’s eternal life from the world from heaven above,
furthermore disqualified is forever to conquer the Promised Land that
Israel had to conquer so the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood may descend upon earth for eternal salvation. Therefore, it was
extremely important that Israel would timely conquer the Promised Land
by removing the nations that were living there, because our heavenly
Father needed to create new people with a sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones
and atoning-blood, beginning with His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so
they may ascend to heaven thus to love, serve and glorify Him in
Spirit and truth everlastingly.
Timely, our heavenly Father needed to have His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, born from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin
daughter for the Scriptures to be fulfilled, moreover form a nation of
Gods and priests that will have the power to renter heaven anytime
thus to love, serve and glorify Him in Spirit and in truth forever
into eternity. And this is something that our heavenly Father wanted
to do with Moses at Mount Sinai’s summit just as the first Hebrews
sinned against His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that had
liberated them from slavery by fashioning a golden calf, but Moses
prayed that he would be spared with his brothers from eternal
Opportunely, our heavenly Father listened to Moses to save Israel from
destruction at Mount Sinai’s foot, because if he was not willing to do
His will through his body to create better people from the ones
liberated from slavery, then He could do it with their children so His
Son may be born from the Holy Spirit eventually to save the world.
This was an important event that had to unfold in due time within the
Promised Land so Israel along with the nations may change their way of
life by been born again from the Holy Spirit thus to dress a sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that had descended from heaven
just as Adam and Eve did but, this time, sinless for eternity.
For our heavenly Father is not willing to give eternal life to someone
that refuses to be born from His Holy Spirit so he/she may take upon
the new glorified body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood to dress forever as the eternal dress of salvation thus to stand
before His presence sinless everlastingly. In other word, our heavenly
Father will never dress anyone living still in the spirit of error
with the glorified body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and
atoning-blood, because, this will be an act to contaminate forever our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s divine body with the spirit of error and sin
from Adam and Eve: so eternal life would be impossible for anyone
Therefore, for anyone to enter into our heavenly Father’s presence on
earth and in heaven then that one must purge himself from the spirit
of error by been born again from the Holy Spirit that gave life to
Isaac through Sara’s barren-womb or to our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
through David’s virgin daughter thus to enter heaven forever
justified, clean and saved. And this divine-body is our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the second Adam but sinless, because he is born from the
Holy Spirit just as Isaac did within the initial ancient covenant of
life that our heavenly Father started with Abram and his allies as
Melchizedek served the bread and wine for this new body to enter every
man, woman and child finally today.
Thus, just as Isaac and our Lord Jesus Christ had to both be born from
the Holy Spirit into the covenants of life that our heavenly Father
started with Abram’s wife barren-womb first and then with David’s
virgin daughter, then we must be born again from the Holy Spirit too,
so we may become our heavenly Father’s celestial citizens forever.
Then everybody is lawfully called by our heavenly Father to be born
from the Holy Spirit not only because we have to abandon on earth a
strange spirit born from the spirit of error the day Adam and Eve ate
from the forbidden fruit in paradise to sin against our Maker, but
because we must return to our legitimate Holy Spirit now.
This is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ prayed to our heavenly
Father by saying: Father, I pray for those that you have given me. I
pray that you will protect them by the power of your name from all
Satan’s wilds. I pray not for the world but for them, because they are
in the world even though they do not belong down here. Just as I am in
the world but I do not belong to it because I have descended from you
and heaven to save and protect them forever. Therefore, Father, I pray
that you will protect them from all evil until they return to the
world where they belong to live forever into eternity, and this is the
new world from heaven above the New celestial Jerusalem colossal and
gloriously filled with love, peace, happiness and never-ending glories
forever into eternity.
Now, with this prayer that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach presented to
our heavenly Father, he was praying only for those that they have been
born from the Holy Spirit of the first covenant of life that our
heavenly Father started with Abraham and his allies, and for the new
covenant that had brought him into the world through David’s virgin
daughter. And for the world, our Lord Jesus Christ did not pray before
our heavenly Father because it remains in the spirit of error:
therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ will never pray to our Father for
those that are not born from the Holy Spirit either from the first
covenant of life or the last one, so love, truth and justice may
thrive forever.
That is why that you must be born from the Holy Spirit today, either
from the first covenant of life or the second one, our heavenly Father
will honor both for they were initiated by Him with His blessed Son’s
love and atoning-blood so you may attain salvation through the Holy
Spirit that belongs to you since you emerged through Him initially.
Therefore, our heavenly Father is only asking you to return to the
Holy Spirit that rightfully belongs to you because the day you were
born in heaven you came out from Him, the Holy Spirit, to be our
heavenly Father’s legitimate son formed in His image thus to live
according to His likeness forever always to enjoy the richness of
That is correct. In heaven, you were born initially from the Holy
Spirit and not from the spirit of error as you were born from your
mother’s womb on earth, therefore, our heavenly Father is doing all
that is possible through the Holy Spirit’s amazing work and His Son’s
sacrificed life, so you may return to Him through the Holy Spirit’s
virgin birth today. Remember for a moment: how our heavenly Father
suddenly, to everyone’s surprise, especially that of Moses, He was
willing to kill every man, woman and child that He just gotten through
saving from Egypt’s slavery—because, now they were born not from the
Holy Spirit but from the strange spirit of the golden calf that they
had fashioned and call it their savior.
Well, this is what happened in heaven as Adam and Eve were born again
not from the Holy Spirit that had fashioned them in our heavenly
Father’s image to live according to His likeness forever, but now they
have been born again in disobedience from the forbidden fruit from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil that gives them death. This also
means that as Adam and Eve were born again not from the Holy Spirit
but from the spirit of error by eating from the forbidden fruit, then
the Holy Spirit ceased to be their Father that had given them birth
through our heavenly Father in the form of His image to live according
to His likeness into eternity in heaven.
Can you see the two incidents compare here? In heaven, for example,
men were born again in disobedience from the spirit of error by eating
the forbidden fruit instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of
life that gave them life initially, furthermore as ever the tree of
life continues to give life from the Holy Spirit continually to those
that can only believe for justice. And on earth men are born again not
from the Holy Spirit that had just gotten through rescue them from
certain death in slavery but from the strange spirit of a golden calf,
therefore, our heavenly Father had to wait forty-years for them to die
out, so they may escape the spirit of death to be born finally from
the Holy Spirit.
Otherwise, our heavenly Father could never have you in heaven to live
with Him the glories attained by His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and His glorious Holy Spirit that are attributes of love,
honor and exaltation day-by-day by every angel, including men, women
and children that have been saved from ancient worlds by the Lamb’s
blood amazing never-ending powers. And this is the atoning-blood that
had to be shed initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai’s summit finally to manifest over Jerusalem’s holy hill by
our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, after
fulfilling and glorifying the Holy Spirit of the commandments and of
the blessed name, so people may live saved everywhere forever.
Indeed, this glorious atoning-blood had to be visible within the
Promised Land’s holy hill (Jerusalem’s gate) just as it was visible
initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven before our heavenly
Father and his angelic hosts, so the nations may see the amazing
saving power of our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb shedding abundantly
the expiation-blood that removes sin from people forever. That is why
that our heavenly Father chose the Promised Land for Israel to possess
it, so not only His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, may be
born in it by the power of the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin
daughter for the Scriptures to be fulfilled and honored, but also to
have the atoning-blood shed before the nations for everyone’s
Because, our heavenly Father’s promise to Abraham was that he will be
the father not only of one great nation of Gods and priests for the
love, service and exaltation of His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven from the
creation of the world, but also he will be able to father many saved-
nations. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to honor His initial
covenant of life that He personally started with Abram and his friends
as Melchizedek served the bread and wine of life for every man, woman
and child in the world, furthermore glorify His new covenant by having
His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, live in Israel thus to reign
over the nations everlastingly.
For our heavenly Father has given the land of Israel to His blessed
Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may not only rule Israel as
God’s eternal nation but also the nations that have always existed in
the entire world for the glory of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name
and glorified commandments. Moreover, our heavenly Father has given
the land of Israel to His blessed Son, because he was not only born
from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter but also he is
the one that conveys always the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and the
atoning-blood that saves them from sin and takes them into eternal
life forever in heaven.
And the eternal life that Israel with the nations has conquered
through our Lord Jesus Christ’s virgin birth can only exist within the
covenant of life and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where
our heavenly Father along with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the families
by the millions from everywhere wait for you to become part of this
eternal family. For this is the colossal celestial family that our
heavenly Father has always longed to conquer on earth through the
initial supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that He
personally started before His angels as witnesses within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock, so He may pay
in full with atoning-blood the price of her perpetual salvation.
Indeed, this is an immense family composed from the nations’ families
that have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with
their lips for salvation that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is Lord for
the glory of our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice in
heaven and over Mount Sinai finally to manifest gloriously over
Jerusalem’s holy hill for the world’s unique perpetual salvation. For
it is written that peoples from all the nations, tongues, languages,
cultures will stand before our heavenly Father’s Great White Throne in
heaven by the millions and millions that can never be counted its
number thus to love, worship, exalt and serve His magnificent name
into all eternity just as the angelic hosts have done it since their
creation till now.
And each one of them from all the men, women and children will have to
testify before our heavenly Father’s Great White Throne and angelic
hosts for the good things that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, through
the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit, have done thus for them to
escape Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities and terrible threats of death
in hell. Truly, they will rejoice greatly before our heavenly Father
and His glorious eternal Lamb that sits next to Him in His Great White
Throne, because of the love that they have divinely manifested by
saving them from the eternal powers of hell and the impassionate
eternity to live without God, the Holy Spirit, and the amazing grace
of His Son Jesus Christ!
For those that live without God will die without the Holy Spirit’s
virgin birth and His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood’s immeasurable
grace that erases sin, imperfections and infirmities continually today
on earth, so every one that believes in our heavenly Father’s covenant
of life through His Son Jesus Christ will live a victorious life over
Satan in heaven forever. Truthfully, our heavenly Father does not want
anyone’s death but instead see that one born from the Holy Spirit of
His initial covenant of life that gave birth to Isaac from Sara’s
barren-womb and later from the Holy Spirit’s covenant that gave birth
to our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach through David’s virgin daughter, so
everyone may live saved today heavenly bound forever.
That is to say that our heavenly Father has placed unlimited amazing
powers from the Holy Spirit and His blessed Son’s sacrificed life from
the creation of the world over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock and finally
over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so we may become saved by believing in His
salvation work that He has accomplished for each one of us until now.
Therefore, we are called by our heavenly Father before we were even
formed within our mother’s womb to be born from the Holy Spirit of His
covenant of life through the virgin birth of His Son Jesus Christ thus
to inherit a glorious land filled with amazing skies in heaven where
our heavenly Father’s word is taught constantly for His name’s
For this the new earth with amazing skies in heaven where our heavenly
Father’s word will continue to be taught by the Holy Spirit of His
name and eternal commandments to every man, woman and child, so they
may love, serve and glorify Him through eternity just as the angels
have done it since they were magnificently formed in heaven. Within
this new glorious earth with perfect skies filled with our heavenly
Father’s glories attained through His Son’s sacrificed life and the
Holy Spirit of his blessed name, the beasts of the land will no longer
attack any one as they did in Israel, for example, as our heavenly
Father’s word was abandoned by the Hebrews due to sin and rebellion.
Now, within this new earth with fantastic skies filled with amazing
glories from our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
and the Holy Spirit’s victories over Satan’s lies, curses,
infirmities, death, hell and the fallen angels will only fill the
hearts of everyone there including all the animal, plant, birds and
fish kingdoms with peace and glory forever into eternity. Humankind
will no longer have to suffer the terrible absence of our heavenly
Father’s word and of His Son’s atoning-blood filled with the Holy
Spirit of the eternal life of the blessed name and faithful
commandments, because now everyone will know our heavenly Father and
His blessed Son Jesus Christ just as they know themselves to be holy
through the divine-body received on resurrection-day.
For this is the divine-body that each one of us has in our Lord Jesus
Christ’s sacred-body today, because it has been saved from Satan’s
lies, curses and death, so it knows our heavenly Father and His Son
Jesus Christ to be His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood
filled with the Holy Spirit’s eternal life to reenter heaven saved
forever. With this divine-body that we all have reserved in our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, we will ascend to heaven to hear our heavenly
Father’s word say to us: you, obedient and faithful servant enter into
the New Jerusalem from heaven above to enjoy peace and glory forever
into all eternity to come with your loved ones and the angelic hosts.
Certainly, this is a divine-body that each one of us has in Jesus
Christ today that not only was born from the Holy Spirit directly from
David’s virgin daughter and within a new covenant of life that will
never end but we can walk in it by faith while we are still living our
normal lives everywhere on earth these days. Truthfully, our heavenly
Father no longer sees us in the spirit of error much less dressed in
the sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood from Adam and Eve but,
instead, He sees each one of us born from the Holy Spirit and dressed
with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood from Jesus
Christ that takes us forever saved every day into His glorious
Actually, our heavenly Father sees each one of us liberated from the
spirit of error and next to Him walking the holy grounds of heaven
where we were born from the Holy Spirit in His image to live according
to His likeness forever within His angelic Kingdom filled with
glorious skies that constantly tell us about His ancient and new
conquered glories. Therefore, we are His legitimate children rescued
by the amazing wonder working powers of the Holy Spirit and of His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the
creation of the world, so, these days: we may enjoy the glories that
He has always enjoyed since ever through eternity with His faithful
angelic hosts in heaven.
Indeed, blessed we are immeasurably by our heavenly Father and His
Holy Spirit today thanks to the salvation work that our Lord Jesus
Christ has done for each one of us beginning with Adam and Eve in
paradise and throughout the earth, so saved we may be to inherit the
New Jerusalem from heaven above filled with peace and glories of
endless happiness. In these heavenly lands, the beasts will no longer
attack any one anymore for the lion will lie down with the sheep in
peace for our heavenly Father’s love will reign supremely within the
heart of every living creature in heaven just as it has always reign
within the angels’ hearts before Him and His Chosen Lamb, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach!
On earth, love and peace will reign within the heart of every man,
woman and child because our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood is at last honored and exalted to the high heaven for
the Holy Spirit to pour mightily: so not only Israel may become born
again from the Holy Spirit but also every home throughout the land.
And violence will finally ceased throughout the earth because the
Kingdom of our heavenly Father through the glorious life of His Son
Jesus Christ has been born from the Holy Spirit within the heart of
every man, woman and child so every one from everywhere through the
nations may sing new glories to our heavenly Father’s blessed name and
glorified commandments.
At last, the lion of Judah may reign over the nations with peace and
the ancient glories with the new ones conquered through our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit manifested within our hearts, souls, minds,
bodies and human spirit, so we may be filled constantly with love,
peace and glory from the new angelic Kingdom that will never end in
all eternity. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
INDEPENDENCIA DEL ECUADOR: Felices días feriados le deseamos a cada
una de todas nuestras familias ecuatorianas que en estos días celebran
el primer grito de Independencia Nacional del yugo español. Por tanto,
le pedimos en oración a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado
de su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, que las bendiga
grande y ricamente en todas las cosas que ellas deseen para ellos
mismos y para los suyos también, incluyendo sus amistades de siempre
en tierras extranjeras.
Y, además, le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre sagrado
de su Hijo amado, que las bendiga en todo lo que deseen alcanzar o
tener ya en sus vidas, porque nuestro Dios es Todopoderoso y dueño del
cielo y la tierra: por tanto, Él nos suple siempre todo lo que
deseemos y hasta lo más soñado de nuestros corazones también. Ya que,
para nuestro Padre celestial no hay nada imposible que él no pueda
hacer en la tierra y en el cielo en estos días para cada uno de todos
nosotros, no importando jamás en dónde nos encontremos entre las
naciones, por medio del sacrificio continúo y de la resurrección
victoriosa de su Hijo amado del fondo de la tierra.
Por ello, amamos a nuestro Padre celestial con nuestras fuerzas, con
nuestra alma, con nuestra mente, con nuestro corazón y con toda
nuestra vida, porque Él es eternamente bueno para con cada uno de
nosotros, y nos ama tanto hoy en día como en el día que nos concibió
en su imagen para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial.
Somos sus hijos legítimos en la tierra y en el cielo eternamente y
para siempre, para seguir viviendo conforme a su semejanza celestial
puesto que hemos salido de su imagen por los poderes de su Espíritu
Santo en el día que nacimos en el cielo.
Y, ahora, volvemos a nacer de su Espíritu Santo, para escapar el
espíritu de error y el pecado de Adán y Eva, gracias a la obra
salvadora de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, quien
por liberarnos del yugo del pecado y de la muerte del infierno nos ha
lavado del mal eterno con su sangre preciosa y todopoderosa. ¡Amén!
¡Felices días festivos a todos nuestros hermanos ecuatorianos en este
gran día de la Proclamación de Independencia de nuestro Gran Ecuador!
The King of Syria had defeated the Israelites because our heavenly
Father was no longer with them. They had followed the way of Jeroboam,
who worshipped the idols of defeated nations wherever he was to
worship and serve our heavenly Father’s blessed name and supreme
celestial-sacrificed of His Son’s atoning-blood manifested to Israel
over Mount Sinai’s summit and throughout the high hills of the
conquered lands.
This evil angered our heavenly Father, and Jeroboam was removed with
Israel from His protective presence so the usual enemies of Israel may
defeat them since they no longer enjoy our heavenly Father’s
protection of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood that was shed from the creation of the world to create heaven
and earth with all things in them. Therefore, the King of Syria
brought into Israel people from Syria to inhabit the lands that the
Israelites had abandoned; people from Cuthah, Havva, Hamath,
Sepharbaim took possession of the tows of Israel.
These people brought with them their gods and idols of daily worship,
so they installed them over the high hills of Israel where
symbolically through every animal sacrifice our heavenly Father’s
Chosen Lamb atoning-blood was shed to cover sin temporarily thus
driving our heavenly Father to great anger. These people with their
religious beliefs and rituals failed to please our heavenly Father
daily devotion to the Holy Spirit of His great name and Eternal Ten
Commandments that honored, glorified and exalted constantly the
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s sacrificed life within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so love, truth and
saving-justice may touch life everywhere.
And because these people with their religious believes and daily
rituals to their idols failed to please our heavenly Father’s Holy
Spirit of His great name, eternal commandments and supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the
world, then He commanded the beasts of the land to destroy them
mercilessly where they were serving their idols. All the sudden and
from nowhere: Lions were coming out from darkness to attack the people
as they worshipped and served their idols before their altars
throughout the towns of Samaria and the rest of Israel as well thus
increasing the spirit of darkness and terror within their lives.
Furthermore, the beasts were multiplying and people were been eating
by them by the hundreds, and no one knew why these terrible attacks
were taking place against them without any warning at all because the
lions were coming against them ferociously one herd after another.
Men, women and children were been eating by the ferocious beasts,
especially lions coming against them from everywhere by the hundreds,
since wild beasts and lions were not to be living there at all
according to the Hebrews and other peoples that had inhabited these
lands for centuries.
Nevertheless, Babylonian peoples just knew that they had to live in
this new conquered land of Israel because the King of Syria had moved
them there with their loved ones, so they may serve him just as they
had served him in their native lands of Babylon, for example. All the
same, the wild beast and lions continue to come against them more and
more every day and without stopping or taking a break for a day, so
they may not do anymore of the religious rituals that they were doing
with their gods and idols that they had installed on the high hills of
the towns of Israel.
And as the lions were coming against them with such a ferocious
increasing appetite to eat them just as they had done it many times
before, then the occupying Babylonians of the Israelite’s towns would
kneel down and worship more fervently then ever before to their gods
and idols, so they may do something to protect them but to no avail.
Truly, there was no help at all coming to them from their gods and
idols because the lions and beast continued to come against them every
day and night with a greater hunger to devour them than ever before.
However, then they realized that even though they were faithful
servants to the gods and idols that they had brought into the land of
Israel nonetheless the lions will not go away much less stop coming
against them as they expressed their love, faiths and beliefs to their
idols—then they decided to find another solution immediately. And as
the peoples from Babylon stopped expressing their faith and beliefs
with their daily rituals to the gods and idols that they had brought
into the land of Israel, then the lions stopped coming against them
less frequently than before.
Furthermore, as the lions stopped coming against them less frequently
then before, then now they needed to figure out what they had to do
thus to please the God of the land of Israel, so they will not have to
suffer more attacks from the wild beasts. At this point, the
Babylonians decided to ask their King to have someone from the Hebrews
return to Israel, so they may express the faith and beliefs that
normally were expressed through rituals in the Israelite towns, so the
God of the land may turn His anger away from them—and, like this, stop
the lions from attacking them.
Then as the word came to the Hebrews captivated in Babylon for what
was going on in their tows of Israel that they had left behind because
our heavenly Father had punished them with His hot anger for
disobeying Him by always going the way of Jeroboam and his persistent
wickedness, then they sent one of their priests. And as the Levite
priest entered Israel, then immediately he taught the Babylonians our
heavenly Father’s words that pleased the Holy Spirit of His great
name, eternal commandments and supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world, so His wrath
may cease and, like this, stop the lions from returning to the
Israelite towns to cause havoc.
Shortly, as just one Levite priest preached and taught our heavenly
Father’s words to the Babylonians occupying Israel’s towns, then no
one ever saw a lion again in their entire life because our heavenly
Father’s wrath had been restrained miraculously not by men’s power but
by His own Holy Spirit that glorifies and exalts daily His name and
eternal commandments forever. This means also that as our heavenly
Father’s name and eternal commandments are glorified and exalted daily
by the Holy Spirit then also His glorious supreme celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world is
glorified and exalted mightily in the high heavens, so the earth with
the nations may be blessed and saved eventually.
For our heavenly Father had chosen Israel as the Promised Land granted
to Abraham through a covenant of life so his children may inherit it
forever, but before Abraham’s children inherit this land, our heavenly
Father had given it to His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
so he may be born there from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin
daughter. And the people that inherit these lands flowing with milk
and honey were the children of the Hebrews that left Egypt by crossing
the Red sea through dry ground and walls of waters on both sides, so
they may stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to become born from the Holy
Spirit by drinking miraculously living water from the eternal rock.
However, since the first Hebrews rebelled against our heavenly
Father’s will by fashioning a golden calf to call it their liberator
from Egypt’s captivity, then He decided to kill them so from Moses He
will create a new nation faithful to Him and His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed at Mount Sinai’s summit from
the creation of the world. Now, our heavenly Father wanted to kill
every one at Mount Sinai’s foot since they had fashioned a golden
calf, and called it their God liberator from Egypt’s slavery;
therefore, they had been born into a very strange spirit as the spirit
of error thus disqualifying them to be born again from His Holy Spirit
to enter into the Promised Land.
This is the reason that our heavenly Father had to wait patiently for
forty-years until every one that had been born again from the spirit
of the golden calf may die, so the children that they were born from
the first Hebrews leaving slavery may be born in due time from the
Holy Spirit to enter the Promised Land at last. Nevertheless, Moses
prayed to our heavenly Father so He will change His mind against
Israel and let them live, and our heavenly Father listened to Moses’
prayer so He decided to let them live until they will live their
normal days in the desert and let their children enter the Promised
Land to conquer it forever for the glory of His Son.
Now, since the Hebrews leaving captivity failed to be born again from
the Holy Spirit at Mount Sinai’s foot after drinking water from the
eternal rock, then our heavenly Father caused His SHEKINAH to hover
over Israel through the desert so their children may be born from the
Holy Spirit, so they may enter the Promised Land Holy Spirit born
forever. Moreover, the reason that our heavenly Father could not let
the first Hebrew enter the Promised Land but instead let them live
their normal days in the desert until the have children and then die,
it was because to possess the Promised Land they had to be born from
the Holy Spirit from the start of the journey into the Promised Land.
In other words, everyone that was called to possess the Promised Land,
this meant that he had to be born from the Holy Spirit just as Isaac
was born from the Holy Spirit so the covenant of life that our
heavenly Father had started with Abram and his companions by eating
the bread and wine, finally it would be fulfilled everlastingly.
Therefore, only by fulfilling and honoring properly our heavenly
Father’s covenant of life with Abram and his allies then the Promised
Land would flow with milk and honey, for it is the birthplace of the
Great King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, that would bring eternal
life dressed with a glorified body for everyone to receive and live
perpetually saved.
Meaning also that whoever lives within the Promised Land without been
born again from the Holy Spirit, then he is not only violating our
heavenly Father’s covenant of life that He personally started with
Abram and his friends, moreover he will fail to believe in the new
covenant of eternal life with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that pleases
our heavenly Father forever. Because, to believe in the new covenant
of life from our Lord Jesus Christ, then that one must be born from
the Holy Spirit through the ancient covenant that our heavenly Father
started with Abram and his companions as Melchizedek served the bread
and wine at Salem’s gate, so they may finally be born again from the
Holy Spirit into eternal life.
Otherwise, it is impossible to believe in our heavenly Father’s new
covenant of life or in His Son Jesus Christ as His personal high
priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that was shed initially
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the eternal rock at
Mount Sinai, so Israel may be saved from eternal slavery. Meaning also
that to believe in our heavenly Father’s first covenant of life with
Abram and his companions for Isaac to be born from the Holy Spirit,
then one must be born from the Holy Spirit to believe in the last
covenant of life from our Lord Jesus Christ since it takes the Holy
Spirit to believe in the Holy Spirit.
In other words, to try to believe in the spirit of error to love God
that we have received from Adam and Eve as we were born on earth
through our mother’s womb then we are in conflict with the Holy
Spirit, because the spirit of error constantly refuses to believe in
the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus Christ’s salvation. Therefore, you
must be born from the Holy Spirit to believe in the Holy Spirit’s work
of the first covenant and the last one too, so you may at last take
that one step forward to awaken from darkness into light, that is, in
a moment of faith-and-prayer: born instantly from the Holy Spirit from
death into eternal life.
Presently, to believe in our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as our heavenly
Father’s Son since the creation of the world, then everyone must
believe first in His covenant of life with Abram and his friends that
gave birth by the power of the Holy Spirit to Isaac through Sara’s
barren-womb, so Israel may become a nation of people born from the
Holy Spirit. And Israel needed to be born again from the Holy Spirit
not only to honor and glorify our heavenly Father’s initial covenant
of life with Abram and his friends but also to have a legal right to
become a citizen of the Promised Land that our heavenly Father had
promised to Abraham’s children to possess, so the Messiah may return
to earth always.
Otherwise, anyone not honoring our heavenly Father’s covenant of life
with Abram and his allies then he is shunning himself from been born
from the Holy Spirit’s eternal life from the world from heaven above,
furthermore disqualified is forever to conquer the Promised Land that
Israel had to conquer so the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood may descend upon earth for eternal salvation. Therefore, it was
extremely important that Israel would timely conquer the Promised Land
by removing the nations that were living there, because our heavenly
Father needed to create new people with a sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones
and atoning-blood, beginning with His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so
they may ascend to heaven thus to love, serve and glorify Him in
Spirit and truth everlastingly.
Timely, our heavenly Father needed to have His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, born from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin
daughter for the Scriptures to be fulfilled, moreover form a nation of
Gods and priests that will have the power to renter heaven anytime
thus to love, serve and glorify Him in Spirit and in truth forever
into eternity. And this is something that our heavenly Father wanted
to do with Moses at Mount Sinai’s summit just as the first Hebrews
sinned against His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that had
liberated them from slavery by fashioning a golden calf, but Moses
prayed that he would be spared with his brothers from eternal
Opportunely, our heavenly Father listened to Moses to save Israel from
destruction at Mount Sinai’s foot, because if he was not willing to do
His will through his body to create better people from the ones
liberated from slavery, then He could do it with their children so His
Son may be born from the Holy Spirit eventually to save the world.
This was an important event that had to unfold in due time within the
Promised Land so Israel along with the nations may change their way of
life by been born again from the Holy Spirit thus to dress a sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that had descended from heaven
just as Adam and Eve did but, this time, sinless for eternity.
For our heavenly Father is not willing to give eternal life to someone
that refuses to be born from His Holy Spirit so he/she may take upon
the new glorified body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood to dress forever as the eternal dress of salvation thus to stand
before His presence sinless everlastingly. In other word, our heavenly
Father will never dress anyone living still in the spirit of error
with the glorified body of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and
atoning-blood, because, this will be an act to contaminate forever our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s divine body with the spirit of error and sin
from Adam and Eve: so eternal life would be impossible for anyone
Therefore, for anyone to enter into our heavenly Father’s presence on
earth and in heaven then that one must purge himself from the spirit
of error by been born again from the Holy Spirit that gave life to
Isaac through Sara’s barren-womb or to our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
through David’s virgin daughter thus to enter heaven forever
justified, clean and saved. And this divine-body is our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, the second Adam but sinless, because he is born from the
Holy Spirit just as Isaac did within the initial ancient covenant of
life that our heavenly Father started with Abram and his allies as
Melchizedek served the bread and wine for this new body to enter every
man, woman and child finally today.
Thus, just as Isaac and our Lord Jesus Christ had to both be born from
the Holy Spirit into the covenants of life that our heavenly Father
started with Abram’s wife barren-womb first and then with David’s
virgin daughter, then we must be born again from the Holy Spirit too,
so we may become our heavenly Father’s celestial citizens forever.
Then everybody is lawfully called by our heavenly Father to be born
from the Holy Spirit not only because we have to abandon on earth a
strange spirit born from the spirit of error the day Adam and Eve ate
from the forbidden fruit in paradise to sin against our Maker, but
because we must return to our legitimate Holy Spirit now.
This is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ prayed to our heavenly
Father by saying: Father, I pray for those that you have given me. I
pray that you will protect them by the power of your name from all
Satan’s wilds. I pray not for the world but for them, because they are
in the world even though they do not belong down here. Just as I am in
the world but I do not belong to it because I have descended from you
and heaven to save and protect them forever. Therefore, Father, I pray
that you will protect them from all evil until they return to the
world where they belong to live forever into eternity, and this is the
new world from heaven above the New celestial Jerusalem colossal and
gloriously filled with love, peace, happiness and never-ending glories
forever into eternity.
Now, with this prayer that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach presented to
our heavenly Father, he was praying only for those that they have been
born from the Holy Spirit of the first covenant of life that our
heavenly Father started with Abraham and his allies, and for the new
covenant that had brought him into the world through David’s virgin
daughter. And for the world, our Lord Jesus Christ did not pray before
our heavenly Father because it remains in the spirit of error:
therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ will never pray to our Father for
those that are not born from the Holy Spirit either from the first
covenant of life or the last one, so love, truth and justice may
thrive forever.
That is why that you must be born from the Holy Spirit today, either
from the first covenant of life or the second one, our heavenly Father
will honor both for they were initiated by Him with His blessed Son’s
love and atoning-blood so you may attain salvation through the Holy
Spirit that belongs to you since you emerged through Him initially.
Therefore, our heavenly Father is only asking you to return to the
Holy Spirit that rightfully belongs to you because the day you were
born in heaven you came out from Him, the Holy Spirit, to be our
heavenly Father’s legitimate son formed in His image thus to live
according to His likeness forever always to enjoy the richness of
That is correct. In heaven, you were born initially from the Holy
Spirit and not from the spirit of error as you were born from your
mother’s womb on earth, therefore, our heavenly Father is doing all
that is possible through the Holy Spirit’s amazing work and His Son’s
sacrificed life, so you may return to Him through the Holy Spirit’s
virgin birth today. Remember for a moment: how our heavenly Father
suddenly, to everyone’s surprise, especially that of Moses, He was
willing to kill every man, woman and child that He just gotten through
saving from Egypt’s slavery—because, now they were born not from the
Holy Spirit but from the strange spirit of the golden calf that they
had fashioned and call it their savior.
Well, this is what happened in heaven as Adam and Eve were born again
not from the Holy Spirit that had fashioned them in our heavenly
Father’s image to live according to His likeness forever, but now they
have been born again in disobedience from the forbidden fruit from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil that gives them death. This also
means that as Adam and Eve were born again not from the Holy Spirit
but from the spirit of error by eating from the forbidden fruit, then
the Holy Spirit ceased to be their Father that had given them birth
through our heavenly Father in the form of His image to live according
to His likeness into eternity in heaven.
Can you see the two incidents compare here? In heaven, for example,
men were born again in disobedience from the spirit of error by eating
the forbidden fruit instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of
life that gave them life initially, furthermore as ever the tree of
life continues to give life from the Holy Spirit continually to those
that can only believe for justice. And on earth men are born again not
from the Holy Spirit that had just gotten through rescue them from
certain death in slavery but from the strange spirit of a golden calf,
therefore, our heavenly Father had to wait forty-years for them to die
out, so they may escape the spirit of death to be born finally from
the Holy Spirit.
Otherwise, our heavenly Father could never have you in heaven to live
with Him the glories attained by His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and His glorious Holy Spirit that are attributes of love,
honor and exaltation day-by-day by every angel, including men, women
and children that have been saved from ancient worlds by the Lamb’s
blood amazing never-ending powers. And this is the atoning-blood that
had to be shed initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai’s summit finally to manifest over Jerusalem’s holy hill by
our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, after
fulfilling and glorifying the Holy Spirit of the commandments and of
the blessed name, so people may live saved everywhere forever.
Indeed, this glorious atoning-blood had to be visible within the
Promised Land’s holy hill (Jerusalem’s gate) just as it was visible
initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven before our heavenly
Father and his angelic hosts, so the nations may see the amazing
saving power of our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb shedding abundantly
the expiation-blood that removes sin from people forever. That is why
that our heavenly Father chose the Promised Land for Israel to possess
it, so not only His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, may be
born in it by the power of the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin
daughter for the Scriptures to be fulfilled and honored, but also to
have the atoning-blood shed before the nations for everyone’s
Because, our heavenly Father’s promise to Abraham was that he will be
the father not only of one great nation of Gods and priests for the
love, service and exaltation of His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven from the
creation of the world, but also he will be able to father many saved-
nations. Therefore, our heavenly Father had to honor His initial
covenant of life that He personally started with Abram and his friends
as Melchizedek served the bread and wine of life for every man, woman
and child in the world, furthermore glorify His new covenant by having
His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, live in Israel thus to reign
over the nations everlastingly.
For our heavenly Father has given the land of Israel to His blessed
Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may not only rule Israel as
God’s eternal nation but also the nations that have always existed in
the entire world for the glory of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name
and glorified commandments. Moreover, our heavenly Father has given
the land of Israel to His blessed Son, because he was not only born
from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter but also he is
the one that conveys always the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and the
atoning-blood that saves them from sin and takes them into eternal
life forever in heaven.
And the eternal life that Israel with the nations has conquered
through our Lord Jesus Christ’s virgin birth can only exist within the
covenant of life and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where
our heavenly Father along with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the families
by the millions from everywhere wait for you to become part of this
eternal family. For this is the colossal celestial family that our
heavenly Father has always longed to conquer on earth through the
initial supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood that He
personally started before His angels as witnesses within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock, so He may pay
in full with atoning-blood the price of her perpetual salvation.
Indeed, this is an immense family composed from the nations’ families
that have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with
their lips for salvation that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is Lord for
the glory of our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice in
heaven and over Mount Sinai finally to manifest gloriously over
Jerusalem’s holy hill for the world’s unique perpetual salvation. For
it is written that peoples from all the nations, tongues, languages,
cultures will stand before our heavenly Father’s Great White Throne in
heaven by the millions and millions that can never be counted its
number thus to love, worship, exalt and serve His magnificent name
into all eternity just as the angelic hosts have done it since their
creation till now.
And each one of them from all the men, women and children will have to
testify before our heavenly Father’s Great White Throne and angelic
hosts for the good things that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, through
the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit, have done thus for them to
escape Satan’s lies, curses, infirmities and terrible threats of death
in hell. Truly, they will rejoice greatly before our heavenly Father
and His glorious eternal Lamb that sits next to Him in His Great White
Throne, because of the love that they have divinely manifested by
saving them from the eternal powers of hell and the impassionate
eternity to live without God, the Holy Spirit, and the amazing grace
of His Son Jesus Christ!
For those that live without God will die without the Holy Spirit’s
virgin birth and His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood’s immeasurable
grace that erases sin, imperfections and infirmities continually today
on earth, so every one that believes in our heavenly Father’s covenant
of life through His Son Jesus Christ will live a victorious life over
Satan in heaven forever. Truthfully, our heavenly Father does not want
anyone’s death but instead see that one born from the Holy Spirit of
His initial covenant of life that gave birth to Isaac from Sara’s
barren-womb and later from the Holy Spirit’s covenant that gave birth
to our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach through David’s virgin daughter, so
everyone may live saved today heavenly bound forever.
That is to say that our heavenly Father has placed unlimited amazing
powers from the Holy Spirit and His blessed Son’s sacrificed life from
the creation of the world over Mount Sinai’s eternal rock and finally
over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so we may become saved by believing in His
salvation work that He has accomplished for each one of us until now.
Therefore, we are called by our heavenly Father before we were even
formed within our mother’s womb to be born from the Holy Spirit of His
covenant of life through the virgin birth of His Son Jesus Christ thus
to inherit a glorious land filled with amazing skies in heaven where
our heavenly Father’s word is taught constantly for His name’s
For this the new earth with amazing skies in heaven where our heavenly
Father’s word will continue to be taught by the Holy Spirit of His
name and eternal commandments to every man, woman and child, so they
may love, serve and glorify Him through eternity just as the angels
have done it since they were magnificently formed in heaven. Within
this new glorious earth with perfect skies filled with our heavenly
Father’s glories attained through His Son’s sacrificed life and the
Holy Spirit of his blessed name, the beasts of the land will no longer
attack any one as they did in Israel, for example, as our heavenly
Father’s word was abandoned by the Hebrews due to sin and rebellion.
Now, within this new earth with fantastic skies filled with amazing
glories from our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
and the Holy Spirit’s victories over Satan’s lies, curses,
infirmities, death, hell and the fallen angels will only fill the
hearts of everyone there including all the animal, plant, birds and
fish kingdoms with peace and glory forever into eternity. Humankind
will no longer have to suffer the terrible absence of our heavenly
Father’s word and of His Son’s atoning-blood filled with the Holy
Spirit of the eternal life of the blessed name and faithful
commandments, because now everyone will know our heavenly Father and
His blessed Son Jesus Christ just as they know themselves to be holy
through the divine-body received on resurrection-day.
For this is the divine-body that each one of us has in our Lord Jesus
Christ’s sacred-body today, because it has been saved from Satan’s
lies, curses and death, so it knows our heavenly Father and His Son
Jesus Christ to be His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood
filled with the Holy Spirit’s eternal life to reenter heaven saved
forever. With this divine-body that we all have reserved in our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, we will ascend to heaven to hear our heavenly
Father’s word say to us: you, obedient and faithful servant enter into
the New Jerusalem from heaven above to enjoy peace and glory forever
into all eternity to come with your loved ones and the angelic hosts.
Certainly, this is a divine-body that each one of us has in Jesus
Christ today that not only was born from the Holy Spirit directly from
David’s virgin daughter and within a new covenant of life that will
never end but we can walk in it by faith while we are still living our
normal lives everywhere on earth these days. Truthfully, our heavenly
Father no longer sees us in the spirit of error much less dressed in
the sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood from Adam and Eve but,
instead, He sees each one of us born from the Holy Spirit and dressed
with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood from Jesus
Christ that takes us forever saved every day into His glorious
Actually, our heavenly Father sees each one of us liberated from the
spirit of error and next to Him walking the holy grounds of heaven
where we were born from the Holy Spirit in His image to live according
to His likeness forever within His angelic Kingdom filled with
glorious skies that constantly tell us about His ancient and new
conquered glories. Therefore, we are His legitimate children rescued
by the amazing wonder working powers of the Holy Spirit and of His
supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed from the
creation of the world, so, these days: we may enjoy the glories that
He has always enjoyed since ever through eternity with His faithful
angelic hosts in heaven.
Indeed, blessed we are immeasurably by our heavenly Father and His
Holy Spirit today thanks to the salvation work that our Lord Jesus
Christ has done for each one of us beginning with Adam and Eve in
paradise and throughout the earth, so saved we may be to inherit the
New Jerusalem from heaven above filled with peace and glories of
endless happiness. In these heavenly lands, the beasts will no longer
attack any one anymore for the lion will lie down with the sheep in
peace for our heavenly Father’s love will reign supremely within the
heart of every living creature in heaven just as it has always reign
within the angels’ hearts before Him and His Chosen Lamb, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach!
On earth, love and peace will reign within the heart of every man,
woman and child because our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood is at last honored and exalted to the high heaven for
the Holy Spirit to pour mightily: so not only Israel may become born
again from the Holy Spirit but also every home throughout the land.
And violence will finally ceased throughout the earth because the
Kingdom of our heavenly Father through the glorious life of His Son
Jesus Christ has been born from the Holy Spirit within the heart of
every man, woman and child so every one from everywhere through the
nations may sing new glories to our heavenly Father’s blessed name and
glorified commandments.
At last, the lion of Judah may reign over the nations with peace and
the ancient glories with the new ones conquered through our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit manifested within our hearts, souls, minds,
bodies and human spirit, so we may be filled constantly with love,
peace and glory from the new angelic Kingdom that will never end in
all eternity. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of