HMS 90/Immunocal and cancer survivor!
(too old to reply)
2006-08-31 14:08:55 UTC
Good day everyone:

I was on this site last February explaining to everyone how my husband
was diagnosed with liver cancer in January 2005 and how we were told to
go home and die, there is no chance of recovery, there is no chemo for
liver cancer, you have 2-6 months to live, etc......very long story. We
had to fight with the oncologist to allow my husband to receive chemo,
we chose gemcitabine for the pancreas since it was the newest
one......I remember some of you were so skeptical (MZB, J and Steph
etc...) of my even mentioning the word 'natural healing' HMS
I fought over and over explaining how this product(HMS90/Immunocal)
worked and how it helped my husband endure chemo.
Well I am back with GREAT news!!
After being told to go home and die in January 2005 (offering NO chemo)
my husband just finished his 20th month of chemo along with changing
his diet and taking various natural remedies (including HMS
90/Immunocal) He had a PET scan on Monday this week and he is now

There is absolutely NO cancer in his body.

For those of you who don't remember us or are too new to this group you
can read archives.
Search SS or ***@yahoo.com

We are very very excited and my husband says it feels like he has won a
Soooo... my point is this product really really helps. He never had any
chemo side effects in 20 months; thanks to this product, this allowed
him to continue chemo for so long and kill the cancer. He kept all of
his hair, he gained 50 lbs, his blood work was normal the entire time
and he never once got sick with a cold/flu or nausea.
So there really is something to helping yourself and going beyond what
your doctor's suggest. Especially when it involves life and death!

All of his Doctors are very very happy and shocked to say the least,
they say he defied all they have been taught since Liver cancer is a
death sentence!
And to all of you skeptics, my husband is very grateful you weren't
involved in his care.

Have a great day!
2006-08-31 20:27:58 UTC
Post by SS
I was on this site last February explaining to everyone how my husband
was diagnosed with liver cancer in January 2005 and how we were told to
go home and die, there is no chance of recovery, there is no chemo for
liver cancer, you have 2-6 months to live, etc......very long story. We
had to fight with the oncologist to allow my husband to receive chemo,
we chose gemcitabine for the pancreas since it was the newest
one......I remember some of you were so skeptical (MZB, J and Steph
etc...) of my even mentioning the word 'natural healing' HMS
I fought over and over explaining how this product(HMS90/Immunocal)
worked and how it helped my husband endure chemo.
Well I am back with GREAT news!!
After being told to go home and die in January 2005 (offering NO chemo)
my husband just finished his 20th month of chemo along with changing
his diet and taking various natural remedies (including HMS
90/Immunocal) He had a PET scan on Monday this week and he is now
There is absolutely NO cancer in his body.
For those of you who don't remember us or are too new to this group you
can read archives.
They'll see that SS and her husband had to sell a property to afford it.
I think I also mentioned on one or the other newsgroup, that there's
specialists (or 2) out in her area who give dire prognosis, without
apparently knowing how wonderful Gemzar is.
Clifto seemed interested. I wonder if he tried it. We'll see what he says.

Reminding folks that nobody can say there's no cancer in her husband, based
on scans because scans can only see a 1 cm tumor, which contains (approx)
1,000,000,000 cancer cells. I was tempted to mention the product here
myself..she's so convincing but it would have been unethical for me to do
so, since one person (and/or small carefully selected person/trials) does
not a trial make and it's still early anyway.

Overall, liver cancer in adults has a poor outlook because it tends to be
diagnosed late. By the time someone has symptoms and goes to their doctor,
the disease is very often in the advanced stages. Only about 3 out of 10
people (30%) are diagnosed in the early stages of this disease when surgery
can help. This means that 5 year survival rates are not very reliable for
liver cancer.

Across the world, 7 out of every 100 people diagnosed with liver cancer
(7%) will be alive 5 years later. But 8 out of 10 liver cancer cases (80%)
are found in developing countries, where it can be difficult to get
treatment. The outlook may be better for the UK. The figures do also
vary widely depending on the type of treatment that you have. <this blurb
has been on http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk long before Gemzar).

7 out of every 100 people diagnosed with liver cancer is still a lot of
people, folks.
Suggest to you that she's crowing too early...though I'm plaesed to read
that he's doing well.

centrewatch.com has industry sponsored clinical trials. Unfortunately, does
not list them by product or the "manufacturer" . This particular
manufacturer /inventor has offices/web pages in US and Canada, so I
searched on Canada. (combined with 4 sections on cancer (pediatric,
treatment, pain, chemotherapy and only 3 came up for Canada). The other
two don't seem close to Montreal.
If you're near Montreal, you might inquire what this clinical trial is
(doesn't state which "drug" and I think the one she mentions is classified
as a food supplement).
The contact there has a mcGill email address , which if I recall correctly
is the University where the "proponents" of the product have claimed trials
were run, so if you're nearby, contact her to ask if that's the product in
the trial listed. If they won't put it in Phase II or III clinical trials,
my conclusion is they won't do the work and/or would much rather not spend
the money on providing the product for trials; preferring word of mouth to
spread and line their pockets.

Up to you folks. I'm a cynic. Too many people have come here, with their
claims about one product or another and we've yet to hear Phase III trial
results proving better (than what's currentlly available through your
regular treatment centre) on many, if not all of the products.
2006-08-31 22:45:36 UTC
Post by J
They'll see that SS and her husband had to sell a property to afford it.
I think I also mentioned on one or the other newsgroup, that there's
specialists (or 2) out in her area who give dire prognosis, without
apparently knowing how wonderful Gemzar is.
Clifto seemed interested. I wonder if he tried it. We'll see what he says.
I do believe Gemzar is one of the agents they're using on me currently. It's
preventative more than anything; they believe they got good margins on the
cancer resection. But there is one little detail about a 50% chance of
recurrence in a year or two without further treatment, so we're pumping
chemicals in as part of the effort to seek and destroy any little floatsy
things in there.

Not particularly interested in the subject-line product, but might take it
anyway if it was cheap and didn't interfere with my mainline treatment.
I do drink aloe juice on occasion as well as pomegranate juice, and a
tea my sister-in-law thinks is wonderful; certainly none of them is
hurting anything AFAIK.

An estranged former brother-in-law is on Gemzar for advanced liver cancer
right now, but his prognosis appears to be pretty grim; I believe they're
buying time rather than cure.
More abuse of eminent domain!
2006-09-01 08:23:33 UTC
Post by clifto
Post by J
They'll see that SS and her husband had to sell a property to afford it.
I think I also mentioned on one or the other newsgroup, that there's
specialists (or 2) out in her area who give dire prognosis, without
apparently knowing how wonderful Gemzar is.
Clifto seemed interested. I wonder if he tried it. We'll see what he says.
I do believe Gemzar is one of the agents they're using on me currently. It's
preventative more than anything; they believe they got good margins on the
cancer resection. But there is one little detail about a 50% chance of
recurrence in a year or two without further treatment, so we're pumping
chemicals in as part of the effort to seek and destroy any little floatsy
things in there.
Not particularly interested in the subject-line product, but might take it
anyway if it was cheap and didn't interfere with my mainline treatment.
I do drink aloe juice on occasion as well as pomegranate juice, and a
tea my sister-in-law thinks is wonderful; certainly none of them is
hurting anything AFAIK.
An estranged former brother-in-law is on Gemzar for advanced liver cancer
right now, but his prognosis appears to be pretty grim; I believe they're
buying time rather than cure.
Thanks clifto and/or I"m sorry to hear about your BIL.

I think in your situation time will tell. In other words, if I were going to
try the items (in the archives of s.m.d.c) she posted, I'd wait for part II,
_if it occurs, in your situation_ of the battle. Meantime, we've got time to
see how long his remission holds.

*sigh* I wish they'd get it into (large cohort and/or several) clinical


2006-08-31 23:21:16 UTC
Hi J:

Firstly we did not sell the farm to afford HMS 90 as it is only $59.40
per month supply, he was taking 2 packs per day so that would be
$118.80 per month. I am sure the average person can afford this (1
Latte at Starbuck's for a month).

Secondly the company itself has no clue about how it has helped my
husband endure chemo. I have never written or spoken to any of them,
although I will do so now, and maybe they will do some more trials as I
am sure money is not the reason.

I am not stating this product alone cured his cancer, I am stating that
this product has allowed him to endure 20 months of chemo (Gemzar)
which has many serious side effects. And that the Chemo did help kill
the cancer as long as a person can endure it long enough to do its job.

And yes you are correct, anything under 1 cm may not be seen, but
remember his tumor was 20cm in Jan 2005 and if it now less than 1 cm,
well that is a miracle!!

Needless to say "We are extemely ecstatic and glad he chose to use
Natural medicine in conjunction with modern".

Post by J
Post by SS
I was on this site last February explaining to everyone how my husband
was diagnosed with liver cancer in January 2005 and how we were told to
go home and die, there is no chance of recovery, there is no chemo for
liver cancer, you have 2-6 months to live, etc......very long story. We
had to fight with the oncologist to allow my husband to receive chemo,
we chose gemcitabine for the pancreas since it was the newest
one......I remember some of you were so skeptical (MZB, J and Steph
etc...) of my even mentioning the word 'natural healing' HMS
I fought over and over explaining how this product(HMS90/Immunocal)
worked and how it helped my husband endure chemo.
Well I am back with GREAT news!!
After being told to go home and die in January 2005 (offering NO chemo)
my husband just finished his 20th month of chemo along with changing
his diet and taking various natural remedies (including HMS
90/Immunocal) He had a PET scan on Monday this week and he is now
There is absolutely NO cancer in his body.
For those of you who don't remember us or are too new to this group you
can read archives.
They'll see that SS and her husband had to sell a property to afford it.
I think I also mentioned on one or the other newsgroup, that there's
specialists (or 2) out in her area who give dire prognosis, without
apparently knowing how wonderful Gemzar is.
Clifto seemed interested. I wonder if he tried it. We'll see what he says.
Reminding folks that nobody can say there's no cancer in her husband, based
on scans because scans can only see a 1 cm tumor, which contains (approx)
1,000,000,000 cancer cells. I was tempted to mention the product here
myself..she's so convincing but it would have been unethical for me to do
so, since one person (and/or small carefully selected person/trials) does
not a trial make and it's still early anyway.
Overall, liver cancer in adults has a poor outlook because it tends to be
diagnosed late. By the time someone has symptoms and goes to their doctor,
the disease is very often in the advanced stages. Only about 3 out of 10
people (30%) are diagnosed in the early stages of this disease when surgery
can help. This means that 5 year survival rates are not very reliable for
liver cancer.
Across the world, 7 out of every 100 people diagnosed with liver cancer
(7%) will be alive 5 years later. But 8 out of 10 liver cancer cases (80%)
are found in developing countries, where it can be difficult to get
treatment. The outlook may be better for the UK. The figures do also
vary widely depending on the type of treatment that you have. <this blurb
has been on http://www.cancerhelp.org.uk long before Gemzar).
7 out of every 100 people diagnosed with liver cancer is still a lot of
people, folks.
Suggest to you that she's crowing too early...though I'm plaesed to read
that he's doing well.
centrewatch.com has industry sponsored clinical trials. Unfortunately, does
not list them by product or the "manufacturer" . This particular
manufacturer /inventor has offices/web pages in US and Canada, so I
searched on Canada. (combined with 4 sections on cancer (pediatric,
treatment, pain, chemotherapy and only 3 came up for Canada). The other
two don't seem close to Montreal.
If you're near Montreal, you might inquire what this clinical trial is
(doesn't state which "drug" and I think the one she mentions is classified
as a food supplement).
The contact there has a mcGill email address , which if I recall correctly
is the University where the "proponents" of the product have claimed trials
were run, so if you're nearby, contact her to ask if that's the product in
the trial listed. If they won't put it in Phase II or III clinical trials,
my conclusion is they won't do the work and/or would much rather not spend
the money on providing the product for trials; preferring word of mouth to
spread and line their pockets.
Up to you folks. I'm a cynic. Too many people have come here, with their
claims about one product or another and we've yet to hear Phase III trial
results proving better (than what's currentlly available through your
regular treatment centre) on many, if not all of the products.
2006-09-01 08:11:04 UTC
Post by SS
Firstly we did not sell the farm to afford HMS 90 as it is only $59.40
per month supply, he was taking 2 packs per day so that would be
$118.80 per month.
I get your point, but you still sold property...(see below)
Post by SS
I am sure the average person can afford this (1
Latte at Starbuck's for a month).
<snip company talk>
I am not stating this product alone cured his cancer, I am stating that
this product has allowed him to endure 20 months of chemo (Gemzar)
which has many serious side effects. And that the Chemo did help kill
the cancer as long as a person can endure it long enough to do its job.
And yes you are correct, anything under 1 cm may not be seen, but
remember his tumor was 20cm in Jan 2005 and if it now less than 1 cm,
well that is a miracle!!
Needless to say "We are extemely ecstatic and glad he chose to use
Natural medicine in conjunction with modern".
SS, I "get" your enthusiasm and most of your points.

However, I'm not sure that I believe you anymore.
You're sounding more and more like a sales pitcher (just like you sounded when
you first posted here).
CAPS and exclamation marks..
"he is now CANCER FREE!!!!" "There is absolutely NO cancer in his body."

And from the archives of sci.med.diseases.cancer.
"We have since sold the property so we could get the equity out of the house to
use for medical costs."
You went on to detail the "medical costs" and listed this product $140.00/mos
and described other "treatments" which seemed to total $9,000;00. At this point,
I'm less interested in the products, but looking at consistency (or lack thereof)
in your story.

madiba and I were both questioning the diagnosis.
Post by SS
From your post I understand that its a primary liver tumor with mets to
the bowel and diaphragm. Has the more common variation of a bowel tumor
with liver and diaphragm mets been ruled out?
Me now:
If you want credibility, I would suggest you collect all the medical reports
(including the surgery report and pathology report/s) and as many scans, as
possible and scan them into your computer and upload them at http://fotopic.net/
so the doctors (and/or many of us) on sci.med.diseases.cancer can have a look at

Photocopy all the reports, black out last names on the copy, black out phone
numbers, DOB, provincial health number, street addresses and put them up on a
website. That way, we can verify the initial situation and subsequent reports
and scans; then follow along with updates, each time you post here about the
"wonderful response" and/or your claims of being "cancer free". "We" being
whoever is here at that time.

That would be a start toward believability.
I'm leaving your quotes, at the bottom, so people can see that I've quoted you
correctly. The other quotes are in the archives of s.m.d.c

Have a nice day and enjoy the wonderful remission.
Post by SS
Post by SS
I was on this site last February explaining to everyone how my husband
was diagnosed with liver cancer in January 2005 and how we were told to
go home and die, there is no chance of recovery, there is no chemo for
liver cancer, you have 2-6 months to live, etc......very long story. We
had to fight with the oncologist to allow my husband to receive chemo,
we chose gemcitabine for the pancreas since it was the newest
one......I remember some of you were so skeptical (MZB, J and Steph
etc...) of my even mentioning the word 'natural healing' HMS
I fought over and over explaining how this product(HMS90/Immunocal)
worked and how it helped my husband endure chemo.
Well I am back with GREAT news!!
After being told to go home and die in January 2005 (offering NO chemo)
my husband just finished his 20th month of chemo along with changing
his diet and taking various natural remedies (including HMS
90/Immunocal) He had a PET scan on Monday this week and he is now
There is absolutely NO cancer in his body.
For those of you who don't remember us or are too new to this group you
can read archives.
Simm Webb
2006-09-01 01:33:37 UTC
Post by SS
I was on this site last February explaining to everyone how my husband
was diagnosed with liver cancer in January 2005 and how we were told to
go home and die, there is no chance of recovery, there is no chemo for
liver cancer, you have 2-6 months to live, etc......very long story.
Are you aware that you are the fourth or fifth fraud here to pander the same
letter? It's too bad that you lack the imagination to even rewrite the
trash to make it look original. Go somewhere else. GOOD DAY!